@conference { orvium-6442c8bc835141e2de143cca, title = "The relationship between academic seniority and scientific production at the organisational level", abstract = "This study examines the relationship between academic seniority in rank and research productivity using a cross-national dataset covering 1,180 higher education organisations from 13 countries for 2011-2020. Our results, estimated using fixed-effect OLS models, show that organisational research productivity increases as the share of senior-level academic personnel rises. Increase in senior-level academic personnel also positively affects the impact of scientific publications.", keywords = "academic seniority, research productivity, academic employment", author = "Özgür Kadir Özer and Pedro Pineda and Benedetto Lepori", year = "2023", language = "English", url = "https://dapp.orvium.io/deposits/6442c8bc835141e2de143cca/view", }