@misc { orvium-649d4037c2c818c6824899bd, title = "Essential Bicycle Dynamics for Microscopic Traffic Simulation: An Example Using the Social Force Model", abstract = "Microscopic traffic simulation is a popular tool in traffic research and planning. It enables the evaluation of interventions in a traffic system based on the movement of individual simulated agents. These can be for example infrastructural changes or the introduction of new road users like automated vehicles. To simulate cyclists, traditional simulation techniques have to be adapted. We propose a microscopic model describing bicycle interaction using the social force paradigm. Here we take into account bicycle kinematics, to create realistic bicycle paths. Qualitative evaluation shows simulated interactions with plausible cyclist trajectories.", keywords = "Social Force Model, Microscopic Traffic Simulation, Cyclist Behaviour, Bicycle Dynamics, Bicycle Trajectories", author = "Christoph M. Schmidt and Azita Dabiri and Frederik Schulte and Riender Happee and Jason K. Moore", year = "2023", doi = "10.59490/649d4037c2c818c6824899bd", language = "English", url = "https://dapp.orvium.io/deposits/649d4037c2c818c6824899bd/view", }