@article { orvium-64a3716e522d08972b3e3a2a, title = "Music Therapy in a client undergoing neurologic rehabilitation", abstract = "This reflection of practice is based on a case that has been carried out on four sessions of music therapy with client L, in the medical clinic area of the San Jose hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2022. The cause of hospitalisation was an ischemic stroke, which resulted in a left-sided hemiplegia. The Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT) technique Patterned Sensory Enhancement known as (PSE), is used in order to provide rehabilitation for the left arm, promoting, in addition to the motor rehabilitation process, a safe space to rebuild her own recovery narrative, in a favourable way, through a comprehensive person-centred approach.", keywords = "Music therapy, neurorehabilitación, emotion, PSE, NMT.", author = "Cateri Muro", year = "2023", language = "English", url = "https://dapp.orvium.io/deposits/64a3716e522d08972b3e3a2a/view", }