@article { orvium-64cd63f07ab83355e819a357, title = "The elementary episode as a new concept in literary criticism", abstract = "Many people around the world have idea about the Morphology of the folktale today. In article One of the Ways the Functions of Dramatis Personae Discovered by Vladimir Propp to be Interpreted, I have shown that those functions are part of a set of literary clichés only. During the writing that paper, I was using my previous work Literary Clichés and the Era of Revolutions mainly in which I have formulated the concept of "Elementary episode" as well. That concept will be very useful during scientific exploration of literature. Now, I want to introduce the readers with it.", keywords = "Elementary action, Action, Elementary episode, Episode, Literary criticism", author = "Serhii Yaremko", year = "2023", language = "English", url = "https://dapp.orvium.io/deposits/64cd63f07ab83355e819a357/view", }