@article { orvium-64d32cedfb2ecf8faf20ead0, title = "Geopolitical Implications of De-Dollarization: Shifting Power Dynamics and USA's Global Influence", abstract = "This article examines the geopolitical implications of de-dollarization, focusing on the changing power dynamics and the potential impact on the global influence of the United States. De-dollarization refers to the gradual reduction in the dominance of the US dollar as the primary global reserve currency. The article explores the motivations behind de-dollarization efforts by various countries, analyzes the potential consequences for the international monetary system, and assesses the implications for the geopolitical landscape. It also discusses the challenges and opportunities faced by the United States in maintaining its global influence amid the trend of de-dollarization. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for policymakers, economists, and international relations scholars as they navigate the evolving global economic order.", keywords = "Geopolitical Implication, De-Dollarization, Shifting Power, Dynamics, Alliance, Global Influence", author = "Mohammed Saaida", year = "2023", language = "English", url = "https://dapp.orvium.io/deposits/64d32cedfb2ecf8faf20ead0/view", }