@conference { orvium-660179a06bf1082286458109, title = "BRiM: A Modular Bicycle-Rider Modeling Framework", abstract = "The development of computationally efficient and validated single-track vehicle-rider models has traditionally required handcrafted one-off models. Here we introduce BRiM, a software package that facilitates building these models in a modular fashion while retaining access to the mathematical elements for handcrafted modeling when desired. We demonstrate the flexibility of the software by constructing the Carvallo-Whipple bicycle model with different numerical parameters representing different bicycles, modifying it with a front fork suspension travel model, and extending it with moving rider arms driven by joint torques at the elbows. Using these models we solve a lane-change optimal control problem for six different model variations which solve in mere seconds on a modern personal computer. Our tool enables flexible and rapid modeling of single-track vehicle-rider models that give precise results at high computational efficiency.", keywords = "Bicycle Dynamics, BRiM, Computational Modeling, Open-source, SymPy, Simulation, Trajectory Tracking Problem", author = "Timótheüs J. Stienstra and Samuel G. Brockie and Jason Moore", year = "2024", doi = "10.59490/660179a06bf1082286458109", language = "English", url = "https://dapp.orvium.io/deposits/660179a06bf1082286458109/view", }