@article { orvium-6634cfe51454b2ace2b07bd4, title = "Generation Z Linguistic Behavior in the UAE: A Threat to Emirati Arabic?", abstract = "This research analyzes the characteristics of Emirati Generation Z, millennials, and baby boomers, and the influence of social media to explain linguistic changes in the UAE. To do so, we administered a questionnaire containing 100 English words commonly used in Emirati Arabic; We have classified the types of English words and expressions used by the three generation cohorts. Participants also responded to a qualitative questionnaire, concerning the role that English played during the pandemic, Emiratis’ behavior towards social media, and their viewpoint regarding the influence of English in Emirati Arabic. Results showed that Generation Z uses more English words and expressions than the other two generations. Generation Z attended bilingual education in English and Arabic since primary school whereas most millennials and all baby boomers attended school exclusively in Arabic. We have examined that social media contributed to more English words in Emirati Arabic and determined the reasons why Generation G prefers to use English on social media and in their daily lives. We could conclude that Generation Z and most millennials see English positively and as inevitable progress in a globalized world while baby boomers see it as a threat to their language and culture. Generation Z also outperformed the other two generations regarding the pronunciation of words in English when speaking Emirati Arabic.", keywords = "Emirati Arabic, Gulf Arabic, Gen Z, millennials, baby boomers, English, social media, code-mixing, code-switching, multilingualism, linguistic diversity.", author = "Jean Pierre Ribeiro Daquila", year = "2024", doi = "10.36348/sijll.2024.v07i04.004", language = "English", url = "https://dapp.orvium.io/deposits/6634cfe51454b2ace2b07bd4/view", }