@article { orvium-67639221112d032f31a21d8f, title = "Dr JOSE ARREOLA THE FOUNDING FATHER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Internet Base Health Platform Application", abstract = "AUTHOR: Dr JOSE ARREOLA THE FOUNDING FATHER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THEME: Internet Base Health Platform Application CATEGORY: On the effect of information on human comportment and expected conduct Date of Issuance, 24th of November 2024, Updated Location of Issuance, On his temporary residence in Los Angeles, California, USA A message from The Founding Father of The United States of America Dr Jose Arreola, also The President of The United States of America under the US Neural Mind Net: I am contacting you to convene you to participate in a project to set up in the USA an Internet Base Health Platform Application where all Americans would have a health profile indicating the type and number of venereal diseases, including AIDS  they have, with the purpose of ensuring safer intercourse sex relationships, the gradual eradication and management of venereal diseases such as AIDS, undergoing lower costs for Federal and State Health Care Programs, and to ensure in the long term, for future generations, a healthy propagation of the human species. By login into the Internet Base Health Platform Application in your Cellphone, after having downloaded it, through granted or without requiring permission, a person finds out if someone has acquired a certain venereal disease such as AIDS or others, and the number of them. Then, a person decides after wining and dining whether to have or not have intercourse sex relationships with someone, having had access to the information provided by The Internet Base Health Platform Application, leading to better outcomes to overall Health. The Internet Base Health Platform Application would be financed by each person at download, and the setting up and management of it could be carried out by a private Enterprise. For a nation with Imagination under God. Jose Arreola Founding Father of The United States of America President of The United States of America under the neural net  Member of Congress of The United States of America under the Neural Net, House of Representatives, State of California Doctor of Philosophy, Dr   Freedom Honor, US Government, Official  Medal of Honor, US Army Cross of Honor For Military Service Abroad, US Army Leader of the Movement of Neural Independence of the United States of America from Foreign Influence Leader of the Movement of National Restoration of The United States of America Official Dismantler of the neural mind net of the US and the World   "The quest of our nation is to protect freedom and other rights and liberties that have led us to be what we are, a beacon of hope to the world in times of despair, of discord and of global predatory self-deserving, and to care for the common good when relative interest of supremacy claim go egocentric" Founding Father of the United States of America Dr Jose Arreola", keywords = "Internet Base Health Platform Application for all Americans, Health profile indicating the type and number of venereal diseases including AIDS, Ensuring safer intercourse sex relationships, Gradual eradication and management of venereal diseases such as AIDS, Undergoing lower costs for Federal and State Health Care Programs, Ensure in the long term for future generations a healthy propagation of the human species, Logging into the Internet Base Health Platform Application in your Cellphone to know type and number of venereal diseases of potential mates", author = "Dr JOSE ARREOLA HERNANDEZ THE FOUNDING FATHER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", year = "2024", language = "English", url = "https://dapp.orvium.io/deposits/67639221112d032f31a21d8f/view", }