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05/03/2024| By
RL RL Roth

Generatywna SI to kolejny trend, który może ulepszyć edukację, ale nie powinien zastępować interakcji międzyludzkich i socjalizacji w klasie. SI nie jest tylko kolejnym nieinteligentnym systemem i nadal wymaga szkolenia dla zaangażowanych osób. Jaki inteligentny system wymaga szkolenia i nie dostosowuje się do potrzeb dydaktyków, a może nawet uczniów? Kiedy SI przejmie role i obowiązki profesorów i studentów, czy nadal będzie istniało zapotrzebowanie na ludzkich nauczycieli i studentów? SI ma pozytywne i negatywne aspekty, ponieważ naśladuje niedoskonały świat, w którym żyjemy. Warto zauważyć, że SI nigdy nie będzie wolna od tych niedoskonałości i jest bezpośrednio zależna od wytycznych rozwoju oraz baz danych używanych do jej szkolenia. Wiele z tych baz danych, w tym informacje, obrazy i filmy, często ignoruje prawa autorskie. Innowacja może być społecznie użyteczna i rozwiązywać obecne i przyszłe wyzwania społeczne, nie będąc czymś zupełnie nowym lub zapoczątkowanym przez pionierów, innowatorów lub start-upy.

24/02/2024| By
Serhii Serhii Yaremko

This journal article highlights the set of repeated elements (such are character actions) in literary works.

19/02/2024| By
Analia Analia Aquino Rivera

This article addresses the importance of sexual education in society, emphasizing its origin in the family and its development throughout life. The relevance of providing information about sexuality during adolescence and youth is highlighted to prevent risky behaviors and future health problems that can lead to a personal decline in people's lives. The author mentions the reluctance of many parents to discuss sexuality with their children, which can lead to a "pact of silence," prompting young people to seek information among friends, increasing the risk of risky behaviors. Sexual satisfaction is explored from different perspectives, including sexual activity, orgasm, emotional relationships, and psychological well-being. The text includes references to various studies that explore the relationship between sexual satisfaction and variables such as self-esteem, body image, intelligence quotient, and anxiety in university students. It is concluded that sexual satisfaction is a multifactorial issue that influences people's happiness. The proposed research aims to identify levels of sexual satisfaction in university students and contribute to future treatments and interventions to improve this area of their lives.

13/02/2024| By
RL RL Roth

Генеративний ШІ – це тренд, який має потенціал для покращення освіти, але він не повинен замінювати людську взаємодію та соціалізацію в класі. ШІ вже не є системою без інтелекту але все ще потребує навчання для зацікавлених сторін. Що це за інтелектуальна система, яка потребує навчання і не адаптується до потреб викладачів та студентів? Коли ШІ візьме на себе функції та обов’язки вчителів, викладачів та студентів, чи все ще буде потреба в освітянах і студентах? Штучний інтелект, як все в житті, має позитивні та негативні аспекти, оскільки відтворює недосконалий світ, в якому ми живемо. Важливо зазначити, що ШІ ніколи не буде вільним від цих недоліків і безпосередньо залежить від керівних принципів розробки та баз даних, які використовуються для її навчання. Багато з цих джерел, включаючи інформацію, зображення та відео, часто ігнорують авторські права. Інновація може бути соціально корисною та вирішувати сучасні та майбутні соціальні виклики без того, щоб бути повністю новою або запущеною піонерами, інноваторами або стартапами.

12/02/2024| By
Flavio Flavio Farroni,
+ 5
Dario Dario Milone

Optimizing the performance of racing motorcycles is a central goal for competition teams. The necessity to ensure driver stability and a good level of grip in the widest possible range of riding conditions makes it necessary for tires to work in the right temperature window, capable of ensuring the highest interaction force between tire and road. Specifically, the internal temperature of the tire is a parameter that can be difficult to measure and control but has a significant impact on motorcycle performance and, also, on driver stability. Deepening knowledge of internal tire temperature in racing motorcycles can improve performance optimization on the track and finding the right motorcycle setup. In this work, a physical thermal model is adopted for an activity concerning the development of a moto-student vehicle, to predict the racing motorcycle setup allowing the tire to work in a thermal window that optimizes grip and maximizes tire life. More in detail, a focus has been placed on the effects of the motorcycle’s wheelbase and pivot height variations on internal tire temperatures. Indeed, the stability and handling of the vehicle are highly dependent on the geometric properties of the chassis. Several values of such quantities have been tested in a properly implemented vehicle model developed in the “VI-BikeRealTime” environment, validated by outdoor tests, able to provide forces acting on the tires, slip indices, and speeds, needed by the thermal model as inputs. Through the analysis of the internal temperatures calculated by the model, reached by the various layers of the tire, it has been possible to investigate which of the simulated conditions cause a too-fast thermal activation of the tire and which of them can avoid overheating and underheating phenomena. Lately, this research has delved into the correlation between motorcycle riders' paths and temperature fluctuations with the aim of comprehending how minor alterations in routine maneuvers may influence tire energy activation, particularly in the context of racing and qualifying conditions.

06/02/2024| By
Md Reiazul Md Reiazul Haque

We examine the connection between firm performance and a CEO's previous position (inside or outside the firm), using Covid-19 as an exogenous shock. Firms led by insider CEOs outperformed those led by outsider CEOs in terms of return on assets during the Covid-19 crisis period in 2020, but there was no performance differential in the period before the crisis. Additional tests indicate that outperformance under insider CEOs is observed in firms holding more cash and firms with a higher proportion of internally promoted non-CEO executives. These findings have important implications for boards of directors making CEO appointments.

06/02/2024| By
zafar imam zafar imam khan

There are different marketing strategies are available to promote the library resources, services, products, and facilities. In the marketing strategies some of the strategy such as community surveys, innovations, publicity and public relations, advertising, communication skills, staff training and innovation, networking and pricing are marketing strategies adopted to know the librarians’ views on marketing strategies. This study is quantitative analysis of various libraries across UAE in higher education pertaining to the various marketing and promotion strategies of their products and services. The study focuses on different types of promotional activities and strategies followed by the surveyed libraries to enhance the utilization of library resources and services. Furthermore, the study tries to understand the attitude of librarians towards strategies of library products and services in the higher education institution of UAE The study is primarily descriptive in nature with survey type method for collecting the data from the respondents. To collect data, census methods was applied for collecting the data from the library professionals and convenient sampling was used to collect the data from the users. Structured questionnaire was used as data collection tool. Two sets of data involving library professionals and user community were chosen as sample population involving 100 and 250 sample size respectively. 83 responses from the library professionals and 200 questionnaires from the user’s community were analysed using statistical tools. The findings of the study clearly showed that library users were much exposed to library resources, facility, and services in the surveyed environment by having access both physical and digital library promotional materials. A good number of IT and web enabled library use promotional activities existed in almost all the UAE higher education institutions. Half of the libraries in the surveyed environment do have marketing division in their organizational chart. User satisfaction in the surveyed UAE institutions on the library resources facilities and services were encouraging while the surveyed Higher education institutions need to have a greater number of updated scholarly information resources and services, particularly the high-end peer reviewed research journals. Library marketing is being one of the upcoming and prominent areas of library and information sciences research, particularly in the high-tech information explosion environment the present study is of very much relevant to the higher education environment.

Version 1
CSR for Social Impact
06/02/2024| By
Meera Meera Almarri

Abstract Initiatives in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can contribute to many programs for sustainable development. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is considered to have been slower to change in CSR than have other Western developed countries. The purpose of this research is to explore examples in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) of how project initiatives in CSR and sustainable development can facilitate heightened awareness, engagement, and execution of action for sustainability. This research utilizes qualitative case study methods analysing a United Nations (UN) supported annual youth engagement program focused on implementation of sustainable development projects in the UAE. The varying degrees of project complexity and “programmification” of sustainability activities in the UAE reveals a more systematic and mature stage of CSR and sustainable development projects and programs than is reported in the literature. The application of project management to organize, implement, align, and monitor sustainability-centred programs provides knowledge relevant to the UAE and other countries interested in the strategic management of change. The study demonstrates the application and value of project management for implementing sustainable development initiatives and highlights the collaborative contribution of corporate and governmental stakeholders to project management in organizations. An important area for future research on sustainable development in the MENA region is to study corporate and public sector partnerships in CSR projects and sustainability programs.

05/02/2024| By
Oscar Oscar Muñoz Moya

De acuerdo con la información levantada por la Encuesta Nacional de Demanda Laboral (ENADEL) 2019; se estableció una brecha en algunas ocupaciones laborales ligadas al sector de la construcción, las que aluden principalmente a laboratoristas viales, albañiles y carpinteros de obra, además de especialización en oficios sobre materiales térmicos. En virtud de esto, durante el 2022 el Observatorio Laboral de Aysén realizó un estudio de Profundización de Ocupaciones con un enfoque cualitativo, abarcando los puestos de trabajo de Laboratoristas viales y Carpinteros de obras, se ahondó sobre las competencias técnicas y socioemocionales requeridas, las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas, la inclusión de grupos prioritarios y prospectiva laboral de ambas ocupaciones. En el Estudio de Demanda de Capital Humano para Empresas de la Construcción, realizado por la Cámara Chilena de la Construcción (Programa de Conexión Laboral, SENCE-OTIC CChC, marzo 2021), se indica que, en la macro zona sur, el sector de la construcción se compone principalmente de obras de tamaño Micro o Pequeño (20,5% y 43,6% respectivamente), en menor medida quedan las obras grandes que representan un 4,7%. En esta línea, cabe mencionar que la mayoría de las obras existentes son de carácter habitacional. De acuerdo con el Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas, el número de los permisos de edificación en la Región de Aysén alcanzó 125 en área rural y 269 permisos en área urbana; estos datos incluyen obras nuevas y regularización de ampliaciones, con destino principalmente en viviendas, industrias, comercio y establecimientos financieros. Cabe señalar, que estos permisos de edificación es posible obtenerlos mediante el CENSO que mide la actividad de construcción con la finalidad de contribuir estadísticamente a la información del sector.

02/02/2024| By
RL RL Roth

L'IA generativa è un'espressione di tendenza che ha il potenziale di migliorare l'istruzione, ma non dovrebbe sostituire l’interazione umana e la socializzazione in classe. L’IA non è più un sistema senza intelligenza, eppure richiede ancora formazione per le parti interessate. Che tipo di sistema intelligente richiede formazione e non si adatta alle esigenze degli educatori e degli studenti? Quando l’IA assumerà le funzioni e le responsabilità di insegnanti, docenti e studenti, ci sarà ancora bisogno di educatori e studenti umani? L’intelligenza artificiale, come tutto nella vita, ha aspetti positivi e negativi, poiché replica il mondo imperfetto in cui viviamo. È importante notare che l’IA non sarà mai esente da queste imperfezioni e dipende direttamente dalle linee guida di sviluppo e dai database utilizzati per addestrarla. Molte di queste fonti, tra cui informazioni, immagini e video, spesso ignorano i diritti d’autore. Un’innovazione può essere socialmente utile e risolvere le sfide sociali attuali e future senza essere completamente nuova o avviata da pionieri, innovatori o startup.

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