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Iconografía de las personificaciones fluviales en la musivaria romana: el caso del Eurotas

[version 1]

28/02/2023| By
Andrea Andrea Gómez Mayordomo

River-gods may appear in the Roman musivaria alone without others figures, usually including a symbolic message as an allegory of fertility; or forming part of more complex compositions in which certain scenes are represented connected to the myths, narrated by classical authors such as Apolodoro or Ovid Likewise, itisvery common there presentation of fluvial personifications that are witnesses of mythial events, in which they play a more or less passive role on the scene, but which, however, through their figure, it reinforces the symbolic message of the representation. In this article we will see the case of Eurotas, river of Sparta, who se bank swere the propitious environment for certain mythological events.

Submitted by28 Feb 2023
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Andrea Gómez Mayordomo
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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  • Review type: Open Review
  • Publication type: Article

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