In Germany and Norway, there have been vivid discussions about precarious working conditions and challenges to balance work- and private life of Early Career Researchers (ECRs). The focus of this article are ECRs in Germany and Norway. ECRs are here defined as PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. PhD students in Norway are to a higher degree scholarship holders and at the same time employed at higher education institutions than their German counterparts. Germany and Norway differ in their historical approaches facilitating gender equality, even though gender policies are converging in both countries. Drawing on data from the German Science Survey 2019, Time-use survey of Norwegian academic staff at higher education institutions and data from the register of research personal in Norway, we explore time allocation for academic activities among ECRs in Norway and Germany considering different context variables (gender, family model, discipline, doctoral training model) providing implications for further research.
This paper investigates the impact of social sciences, a recent field for considering the societal impacts of science. It is based on a purposeful selection of R&D publications, commissioned by Norwegian ministries, governmental agencies, and public bodies, aimed for the application for public sector. The concept societal impact is here defined as active and potential influential, and interactions between public research organisations (PRO) and governmental agencies and other public bodies in the areas of education and social welfare. We argue that the interactions lead to favourable outputs. We examine interactions, i.e., exchanges between researchers and stakeholders from governmental agencies and public bodies, in which scientifically robust and societally relevant knowledge is constructed and valued. In investigating interactions, we focus on qualitative and quantitative indicators of direct social interactions and indirect interactions through texts (see e.g., Spaape & van Drooge, 2011).