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Designing maternity care spaces: a research design process involving staff and users’ requirements to improve a Midwifery-Led Unit layout

22/03/2022| By
Nicoletta Nicoletta Setola,
+ 1
Alessia Alessia Macchi

The research study aims at identifying the optimal birth layout according to users’ needs and staff organization, in supporting the design of a new Midwifery-Led Unit in Italy. Midwifery-Led Units are connected to reduced childbirth medical interventions and better health outcomes. This model of care needs a proper architectural response that lacks knowledge around physiological birth space design. The Research Group (architects, environmental psychologists and midwives) entrusted with reshaping an existing Midwifery-Led Unit project, analysed how to better respond to the specific spatial and organizational needs. The process, initially based on literature review, case studies and interdisciplinary meetings lead to the analysis of critical aspects of the preliminary project. To better investigate some relevant architectural topics and set new requirements, supplementary research was conducted to understand stakeholders’ needs. Spatial layout analysis was compared to users' perception, experience, thoughts and expertise collected through questionnaires and focus groups. The research identified new requirements and design suggestions able to address the future design process and project, and created a new layout for a Midwifery-Led Unit. The results, as translation of spatial and environmental users’ needs, increased the knowledge about birth spaces and represents an innovative model for Hospital Management and Technical Office. The findings represented the base field to create a built environment able to improve health outcomes, achieve healthy behaviors and foster staff practice, also inside a traditional and rigid hospital layout.

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Type of the Paper: Peer-reviewed Conference Paper / Full Paper

Track title: 1. Integration of needs – inclusive, integrated design enabling health, care and well-being

Designing maternity care spaces: a research design process involving staff and users' requirements to improve a Midwifery-Led Unit layout

Nicoletta Setola 1*, Eletta Naldi 2 and Alessia Macchi 3

1 Department of Architecture, TESIS Centre, University of Florence, Italy;;

2 Department of Architecture, TESIS Centre, University of Florence, Italy;;

3 Department of Architecture, TESIS Centre, University of Florence, Italy;;

Names of the Topic editors: Clarine van Oel

Names of the reviewers

Maja Kevdzija

Carmen Martens

Journal: The Evolving Scholar


Submitted: 22 Mar 2022

Accepted: 22 August 2022
Published: 25 May 2024

Citation: Setola, N., Naldi, E. & Macchi, A. (2022). Designing maternity care spaces: a research design process involving staff and users’ requirements to improve a Midwifery-Led Unit layout. The Evolving Scholar | ARCH22.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution BY license (CC BY).

© 2022 Setola, N., Naldi, E. & Macchi, A. published by TU Delft OPEN on behalf of the authors.

Abstract: The research study aims to identify the optimal birth layout according to users' needs and staff organisation to support the design of a new midwifery-led unit in Italy. Midwifery-led units are connected to reduced childbirth medical interventions and better health outcomes. This model of care needs a proper architectural response that lacks knowledge around physiological birth space design. The Research Group (architects, environmental psychologists, and midwives) entrusted with reshaping an existing Midwifery-Led Unit project analysed how to better respond to the specific spatial and organisational needs. The process, initially based on a literature review, case studies, and interdisciplinary meetings, led to the analysis of critical aspects of the preliminary project. Supplementary research was conducted to investigate relevant architectural topics and set new requirements to understand stakeholders' needs. Spatial layout analysis was compared to users' perceptions, experiences, thoughts, and expertise collected through questionnaires and focus groups. The research identified new requirements and design suggestions to address the future design process, as well as a new layout for a midwifery-led unit. As a translation of spatial and environmental users' needs, the results increased knowledge about birth spaces and represented an innovative model for hospital management and technical offices. The findings represent the foundation for creating a built environment that improves health outcomes, promotes healthy behaviors, and fosters staff practice within a traditional and rigid hospital layout.

Keywords: healthcare facilities; birth spaces; users' needs; spatial layout


1. Introduction

In the last twenty years, we have seen, almost all over the planet, an exponential increase in the rate of caesarean sections and unnecessary medical interventions at birth. The Euro-Peristat Project Report (2018) shows a serious situation in Europe, as the critical threshold defined by the WHO is a rate of 15%. Studies have shown that excessive use of caesarean and medical interventions at birth (such as episiotomy and induction), when not necessary, influences the woman's health conditions, with long-term implications, for example, on epigenetics and chronic diseases (Dahlen et al., 2016). In Italy, the average number of caesarean sections is 31%, with a greater distribution in the central south and some areas of the north of the country (Ministero della Salute, 2020).

To tackle this problem, in recent years, different types of directives and guidelines have been issued to encourage and support physiological birth: at the international level, for example, the WHO released Recommendations (WHO, 2018a; 2018b); in Europe, the standards for managed units of midwives have come out (Rocca-Iehnacho et al., 2018); in Italy, the Ministry of Health launched the recent guidelines for low midwifery risk that provide indications for the management of low-risk pregnancy and childbirth by midwives as a modality associated with a reduction in medical interventions (caesarean section, episiotomy) and greater satisfaction of women (Ministry of Health, 2017).

Therefore, it is recognised that midwifery-led units and birth centres are connected to reduced childbirth medical interventions and better health outcomes (Sandall et al., 2016). This model of care needs a proper architectural response that lacks knowledge of physiological birth space design. Many research studies in health sciences and architecture have been carried out on the influence of space on the labour and delivery process (Nilsson et al., 2020), with important results confirming the role of the built environment, its impact on the physiological birth process, and women's experience and midwifery practice and behaviour (Foureur et al., 2010; Setola et al., 2018).

However, we observe a shortage of this kind of information in the application of technical guidelines and, among the professional designers, a lack of knowledge about birth physiology and its consequent application to the architectural project.

Following the request by the Italian Ministry of Health to the Regional Health Trusts to equip themselves with physiological areas with low midwifery risk within the maternal and child departments, some hospitals have decided to improve the conditions of assistance for users by building new facilities or renovating some parts of them to accommodate those areas, such as midwifery-led units and birth centres.

The case examined in this paper concerns the collaboration carried out by the research group with one of the hospitals building a new maternity child pavilion, which includes a birth centre within it. This centre is equipped with five birth rooms and is located on the second floor of the new pavilion, on the same floor as the midwifery and gynaecology wards. In contrast, the traditional labor-delivery area is located on the ground floor and connected via elevators.

The entire research collaboration aimed to investigate the relationship between space and users' perceptions of birthplaces, identify the best spatial and environmental conditions for the new Birth Centre, and support a participatory process for users to help implement awareness of birth as a physiological event. In this paper, we focus on the process of spatial design research and the description of the birth centre's final layout elaborated by taking into account the users' requirements detected, along with the collaboration with the midwifery and environmental psychology disciplines.

2. Theories and Methods

The hospital was already in possession of a preliminary design project for the entire maternity and infant building, including the birth centre area. Then the research group was entrusted with reshaping this existing Birth Centre project to better respond to the specific spatial and organisational needs. The research was developed in three phases: 1) the evaluation of the existing project according to the requirements given by the scientific literature; 2) the analysis of the spatial layout and the users' perception, helping to identify the best environmental conditions; 3) the drafting of guidelines for the project and the new design solution, which should be the subject of a future co-design process.

In phase one, the critical aspects of the layout were identified according to the results that emerged from the scoping review by Setola et al. (2019) and the knowledge acquired by the research group after the field visits to more than fifteen birth centres in Europe. These critical aspects of the preliminary project were identified (Figure 1):

  • The position of the accesses and, therefore, the paths of the entire floor seem to suggest the possibility that the Birth Centre is a transit for other hospital users, thus creating an interference of different flows;

  • The dispersion of spaces dedicated to midwives' work could alter their management and control skills, as well as decrease internal communications. The staff may not carry out the reception functions in the unit if this does not coincide with the working station;

  • The dispersion of spaces for socialisation, such as living rooms and kitchens, does not favour communication and sociability between the different users (midwives, supporters, and mothers);

  • The lack of a visual message revealing the birth philosophy of the centre. It is important to give the unit a character and distinctive identity from the outset. The views that open at the entrance and in the internal path from the corridors to the rooms are important to strengthen the communication of positivity. The area dedicated to the entrance must have a defined character to instill in the visitor not only ease of orientation but also the perception of transition in a "non-hospitalised" environment.

  • The elongated shape of the room dedicated to the three great moments of the birth event (labour, birth, and post-birth) prevents optimal use of the available square metres as it requires a serial arrangement of the furnishings and does not allow for different configurations to be identified in accordance with the needs of these three moments;

  • The proximity of social spaces to the birth rooms could lead to problems in the control of noises that would compromise privacy and control and the woman's ability to relax. From the literature studies, it is not clear whether a separation of the unit between the more social area and that of the rooms is a positive element or a detriment to the sense of openness that the birth centre should offer to users.

  • The articulation of the space in the birth room does not favour the freedom of movement and flexibility of the environment to ensure maximum emotional and physical freedom for the woman, who needs different situations depending on the stages of labour and delivery.

  • The bed has a dominant position in the room and constitutes the visual and emotional focus of the environment. It is proposed as a preferential place in which to give birth, to the detriment of using more functional positions for physiological birth. The type of bed can significantly affect the atmosphere of the environment, as well as the flexibility and practicality of the room. Some studies recommend not using a regular hospital bed, but rather a double bed as well as a mobile bed, to give the environment as much flexibility as possible.

  • The lack of furniture to facilitate physiological childbirth, such as a tub, birthing couch, ball, bars, lianas, bean bags, and furniture for the comfort of users (e.g., a wardrobe for personal items, seats for supporters), The furnishings and objects to support childbirth are fundamental elements both for the practice of childbirth and for the organisation of space. The goal is to provide as much support as possible for women's various activities without reducing the degree of flexibility in the room.

  • The lack of an adequate interface space between room and corridor preserves a sense of privacy, control, and relaxation. It is assumed that the activities taking place in the room should not be seen from the outside corridor. Therefore, together with the strategic location of the furnishings concerning the entrance, an additional device is recommended to mitigate the room's exposure.

Figure 1. Preliminary project layout and critical aspects. The colour of the big dots is related to the writing of the same colour (© TESIS -DIDA)

To better investigate some relevant architectural topics and set new requirements, phase two was dedicated to understanding stakeholders' needs. Spatial layout analysis, users' perception questionnaires, and focus groups were used to achieve this goal. The spatial analysis was conducted through field visits to the existing facility and configurational layout analysis, in which geometric measurements were detected, such as distances, heights, and sizes, but also configurational measures such as Integration and Visibility through the use of Space Syntax techniques (Hillier, 2007). The perception of users (mothers and midwives) was detected through the administration of questionnaires concerning the affective quality of spaces (Perugini et al., 2002), humanization (Andrade et al., 2012), experience (Fenaroli and Saita, 2013), the BESP questionnaire specifically built for the physical characteristics of the space, and focus groups. Employing the interpretative analyses of the data through statistical software, they were then compared to the spatial data to find associations that confirmed the importance of some topics for women and midwives and to identify measures that could represent these issues and guide the project. The specific results of these analyses are reported in a paper by Setola et al. (2022).

Table 1. Inputs for the new layout design according to users' needs.


Creating an area isolated from the flow of the surrounding wards

Humanising space with furniture quality, natural light, and external views

Decreasing medicalized and standardised layout configurations, such as corridor rooms

Favouring clarity in wayfinding and services such as food areas

Favouring the possibility for mothers to walk spaces outside the birth room during labour


Locating midwives' desks in the central position and control of the unit

Creating a relaxing space for midwives

Reducing distances from the desk to the birth rooms

Reducing the proximity of the midwives' working spaces to social spaces

Creating a midwives' desk not totally exposed on the four sides

Creating a briefing space


Designing good-quality furniture

Favouring natural light

Creating a restoration space (kitchen and dining room) for all users

Positioning common spaces near the entrance and far from birth rooms

Provide waiting and relaxing areas for partners and supporters near birth rooms.


Creating one room for labour, birth, and postpartum

Having the possibility of a shower in the birth room

Having the possibility to control natural and artificial light

Having the possibility to enjoy natural light according to the needs

Creating enough space for movement during labour

Favouring a square shape more than a rectangular shape

Creating an interface space between the birth room and the corridor

Creating technological solutions to guarantee appropriate acoustic isolation

Locating the birth room far from noisy environments

Creating design solutions for inside-outside interfaces to guarantee privacy

Providing a suitable welcoming space for partners or supporters

Taking care of environmental quality (materials, furniture, colours)

Creating design solutions to hide medical equipment

Allowing the possibility to personalise space and furniture

The translation of spatial and environmental users' needs emerged from the questionnaires and focus groups, leading to the creation of inputs for the new Birth Centre design that concern four areas: unit configuration, midwifery desk position, common spaces, and birth room (Table 1). Following these design guidelines, a new layout proposal was developed, which is now being examined by the hospital's stakeholders.

3. Results

The new project proposal for the Birth Centre developed by the research group consists of a new layout that takes into account two main considerations. First of all, the project considers users' requirements detected in Phase 2. Secondly, the new layout respects further plant-engineering constraints that emerged during the design process: a reinforced concrete frame building with the presence of fixed shafts for vertical systems (water and sanitary) and ventilation and aeraulic systems passing from the false ceiling. The plant and structural requirements had to be respected as planned for all floors of the building.

We describe below the new layout of the project according to four themes.

3.1. Relationship between social/public and birth activities

In the new layout (Figure 2), there is a concentration of social spaces at the entrance, with the kitchen/living room placement immediately in view from the entrance. This design choice, on the one hand, limits the noise and flows in the area dedicated exclusively to birth; on the other, it maximises the possibility of communication and socialising among users.

The other point is the birth philosophy transmission, which considers the visual message received upon entering the unit and should reveal the philosophy of the organisational model. It is important to give a characteristic and distinctive identity to the birth centre from the beginning, through the views of the entrance, and then throughout the entire path to the birth rooms, to strengthen the communication of positivity. The entrance must also have a delineated character to encourage orientation and perception of a transition to a non-hospitalised environment.

As stated above, separating the more public and social activities from those related to birth limits the interference of noise and flows, which would compromise mothers' ability to relax, control the space, and feel privacy and intimacy within the birth rooms. The birth rooms have a dedicated corridor, almost of exclusive pertinence, as the area hosts only the birth rooms and their storage and is separated from the public flow.

Finally, waiting areas immediately facing the birth rooms are designed to let supporters or partners wait next to the women.

Figure 2. New project proposal: the relationship between social/public and birth activities. (© TESIS -DIDA)

3.2. Midwives' desk position and its role in the layout

The midwives' desk and the other working spaces are centrally located in the unit, ensuring maximum user flow control (both external visitors entering and women) (Figure 3). The new proposal places the desk in a barycentric position. Thanks to its advancement with respect to the structural grid, it has good visibility of the entrance, public areas, and birth rooms. Midwives preside over the junction point between the most public and the most private areas.

Another choice strongly characterises the midwives' spaces: both the desk and the back office are placed at a single point instead of being diffused in more units' rooms. The decision to unify their locations respects the organizational model and improves midwives' work. The model does not foresee a person at the reception desk in continuity, so midwives manage to carry out the functions of acceptance, reception, and assistance from a single location.

The new project also includes a support space for midwives to rest and relax. It is placed near the working position and, thanks to a glass wall towards the public entrance area, allows midwives to remain vigilant about the events inside the birth centre.

Figure 3. New project proposal: midwives' desk position and its role in layout. (© TESIS -DIDA)

3.3. Intended use and dimension comparison

The new layout (Figure 4) highlights some dimensional and distribution choices that lead to an optimisation of the functions and their dimensions. Table 2 shows the most modified environmental units. In the new proposal, the birth rooms and their toilet, highlighted in orange, have a greater amount of square meters and storage. Conversely, both public and staff toilets have been reduced: the public one from two to one, and the toilets for the staff from three to two. Another choice that has led to dimensional savings is the distribution and type of social spaces. In addition to having a separate kitchen and living room, in the new layout, these spaces have been united and overlapped in a single room, offering a space to cook and eat, but also to socialise or relax.

Instead of being concentrated in one place, the waiting areas are spread throughout the unit in various little locations. The staff area combines acceptance and work activities. This space savings has led to the possibility of introducing a staff rest area and a children's area.

Figure 4. New project proposal: intended use and dimension comparison. (© TESIS -DIDA)

Table 2. Main differences between the preliminary and new projects.

Spaces Preliminary project New project

Birth rooms

172 m² 208 m²


30 m² 47 m²

Public toilets

2 1

Staff toilets

3 2

Social spaces


Kitchen +

Living room

Living room

Waiting area

Concentrated Spread

Staff areas

Reception Reception + Workstation

Staff rest area

missing 1

Children's area

missing 1

3.4. Characteristics of the birth room

The new project (Figure 5) proposes a new configuration of the birth room with a 'squarer' shape to optimise the square meters. The room is not simply bigger, but especially its shape and configuration offer greater freedom of movement and flexibility in the environment, which can assume different configurations by moving the furniture and creating different spatial situations. The new configuration helps the mothers have the maximum emotional and physical freedom during the three significant moments of the birth event: labour, birth, and postpartum.

In addition, an interface space is designed between the corridor and the door of the birth room so that the visibility of the room from the public space is greatly reduced. This positively influences the sense of control and relaxation for mothers and provides a greater sense of privacy and capacity for autonomy and control for women, as well as a greater perception of security.

The furnishings selected for the new layout mirror the search for greater intimacy and domesticity to favour the physiology of childbirth and better physical and psychological conditions. The furnishings and objects supporting childbirth are fundamental for the practice of childbirth and the organisation of the space. Their choices and arrangements aim to provide as much support as possible to women's diverse activities without reducing their flexibility.

Figure 5. New project proposal: characteristics of the birth room. (© TESIS -DIDA)

4. Discussion

The research path, which included interdisciplinary meetings, surveys of user needs, and critical analysis of the initial layout, enabled us to highlight various design aspects. The new design solution shows that it is possible to distance oneself from a traditional hospital system design, characterised by rigid structural and plan constraints, and create something more distinctive, better focused on the organisational and care model required and on users' needs. The building is a triple-bodied courtyard layout, similar to many others on the national and international scene.

The feature that immediately emerges by observing the layout is the use of curved lines both in the walls and in the flooring to define the spaces. This element is found in the scientific literature as an expression of the philosophy underlying the birth event (Lepori, 2008). Together with the other design choices illustrated above, such as attention to the entrance, the midwives' workstation, the presence of social spaces, and the care and extensiveness of the birth room, they demonstrate how the physiology of birth can be applied to the architectural project. It is not just about building beautiful rooms with comfortable colors and furnishings; the designer must commit to the spatial layout design.

However, some problems remain open, such as the presence of natural light in the midwives' station and the possibility of creating a space dedicated to training and information for the community, which could represent a good means for disseminating the Birth Centre philosophy. These topics will be discussed directly with the operators. The layout proposal presented here will be the basis for some co-design sessions with the hospital staff to identify further detailed improvements.

5. Conclusions

The project provides evidence of the importance of an interdisciplinary approach. The findings represent the basis for creating a built environment able to improve health outcomes, achieve healthy behaviours, and foster staff practice. The study identified new requirements and design suggestions to address the future design process and project, as well as a new layout for a midwifery-led unit. As a translation of spatial and environmental users' needs, the results increase knowledge about birth spaces and represent innovative hospital management and technical office models.

Contributor statement

Author 1: Conceptualisation, Writing-Original Draft, Methodology, Funding acquisition. Author 2: Formal Analysis, Visualisation, Writing-Original Draft. Author 3: Writing-Original Draft, Writing – Review & Editing. Contributors in environmental psychology Laura Migliorini and Paola Cardinali: Methodology, Data Curation, Formal Analysis.


The authors would like to thank the participants of this study who shared their experience, and the Hospital healthcare staff who shared their expertise and collaboration in supporting the research and discuss results.


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