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Assessing Knowledge Economy Utilization in Research at Technological Institute of the Philippines

27/10/2023| By
Kevin Dykes Kevin Dykes Aguila,
+ 1
Carlo Carlo Poblete

This study aims to assess how Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) utilizes principles of the knowledge economy in its research activities. A mixed methods approach is employed combining quantitative and qualitative analyses of research publications from TIP over the past 5 years. The publications will be collected from databases and repositories then preprocessed through text cleaning. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a topic modeling technique, will be applied to identify prevalent themes within the publications. Both the frequency and content of topics related to knowledge economy concepts like innovation, technology transfer, and industry collaboration will be examined. In addition to quantitative metrics from LDA modeling, a qualitative analysis of publications within knowledge economy topics will provide context. The findings will offer strategic recommendations to better align TIP's research agenda with knowledge economy goals of fostering innovation, knowledge sharing, and technological progress. Proper ethical guidelines will be followed to ensure data privacy and anonymity. The study methodology integrates computational and manual approaches to comprehensively evaluate TIP's utilization of the knowledge economy in research.

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Assessing Knowledge Economy Utilization in Research

at Technological Institute of the Philippines

Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)

Kevin Aguila, Jan Jerome Soriano

College of Computer Studies, Technological Institute of the Philippines - Quezon City

Mr. Carlo Poblete

October 2023

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 3

Background of the study 4

Project Objectives 5

General Objective 5

Specific Objectives 5

Significance of the Study 6

Scope and delimitation of the study 8

Scope 8

Delimitation 12

Chapter 2 13

Review of Related Literature 13

Knowledge Economy and Research………………………………………………………………..

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) in Research Analysis………………………………………….

Previous Studies Utilizing LDA in Research Analysis…………………………………………….

Research Gap……………………………………………………………………………………….

Definition of Terms 28

Chapter 3 29

Research Design……………………………………………………………………………………

Ethical Considerations…………………………………………………………………………….



This study aims to assess how Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) utilizes principles of the knowledge economy in its research activities. A mixed methods approach is employed combining quantitative and qualitative analyses of research publications from TIP over the past 5 years. The publications will be collected from databases and repositories then preprocessed through text cleaning. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a topic modeling technique, will be applied to identify prevalent themes within the publications. Both the frequency and content of topics related to knowledge economy concepts like innovation, technology transfer, and industry collaboration will be examined. In addition to quantitative metrics from LDA modeling, a qualitative analysis of publications within knowledge economy topics will provide context. The findings will offer strategic recommendations to better align TIP's research agenda with knowledge economy goals of fostering innovation, knowledge sharing, and technological progress. Proper ethical guidelines will be followed to ensure data privacy and anonymity. The study methodology integrates computational and manual approaches to comprehensively evaluate TIP's utilization of the knowledge economy in research.

Chapter 1


In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, the Knowledge Economy has emerged as a pivotal force reshaping various facets of society. The integration of this paradigm within the academic landscape has garnered substantial attention for its potential to revolutionize the way universities approach research, innovation, and knowledge dissemination. Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP), as a distinguished technological university, stands uniquely positioned at the intersection of academia and the ever-evolving technological landscape.

The Knowledge Economy paradigm encapsulates a fundamental shift in economic and academic paradigms, emphasizing the pivotal role of knowledge-intensive activities. Unlike traditional economies that primarily relied on physical inputs and natural resources, the Knowledge Economy thrives on intellectual capabilities, technological innovation, and the rapid obsolescence of information. It champions the idea that the creation, application, and dissemination of knowledge serve as the linchpin for driving economic growth and societal progress.

Within the academic sphere, universities are tasked with nurturing the seeds of innovation, fostering intellectual capabilities, and advancing scientific and technological frontiers. As such, universities play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of the Knowledge Economy. Recognizing this, TIP has embarked on a journey to leverage the principles of the Knowledge Economy to further enhance its research endeavors, educational offerings, and societal contributions.

This research seeks to assess the utilization of Knowledge Economy principles within the realm of research activities at TIP. It is imperative to gain a comprehensive understanding of the extent to which TIP's research landscape aligns with the core tenets of the Knowledge Economy. This assessment will not only provide valuable insights into the current state of research at TIP but also pave the way for informed strategies to enhance the integration of Knowledge Economy principles.

By applying the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm, a powerful tool in natural language processing and machine learning, this study aims to dissect TIP's research corpus. It endeavors to categorize research publications into distinct topics that resonate with the Knowledge Economy paradigm. Through this lens, we can gain a nuanced understanding of the prevailing themes, trends, and emphases within TIP's research community.

The findings of this research are poised to serve as a compass for TIP's academic leadership, researchers, and stakeholders. They will illuminate areas where Knowledge Economy principles have been successfully incorporated and highlight opportunities for further alignment. Ultimately, this study aspires to contribute to TIP's ongoing commitment to innovation, knowledge dissemination, and its role as a catalyst for progress within the Knowledge Economy. As we delve deeper into the assessment of Knowledge Economy utilization at TIP, we embark on a journey to shape the future of research, education, and technological advancement at this esteemed institution.

Background of the study

The transition from industrial economies to Knowledge Economies has marked a profound shift in the global economic landscape (Drucker, 1969). Knowledge Economies are characterized by their reliance on knowledge-intensive activities, rapid technological advancements, and a greater emphasis on intellectual capabilities (OECD, 1996). In this paradigm, knowledge is not merely a byproduct of economic activity; it is a primary driver of economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness (Foray, 2004).

The significance of Knowledge Economies lies in their potential to spur innovation, increase productivity, and drive sustainable economic development (Brynjolfsson & McAfee, 2014). Universities play a pivotal role in this transformation as they serve as hubs of knowledge creation, dissemination, and application (Etzkowitz & Leydesdorff, 2000). As such, assessing how universities harness Knowledge Economy principles in their research activities is of paramount importance.

Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) is an esteemed academic institution dedicated to providing quality education and contributing to technological advancement and innovation in the Philippines. TIP's commitment to knowledge creation is evidenced by its research activities, which span various fields, including engineering, business, information technology, and the sciences.

In the contemporary landscape, universities like TIP are expected to not only produce high-quality research but also align their efforts with the imperatives of the Knowledge Economy. This alignment entails actively engaging in technology transfer, fostering innovation, and producing research that addresses real-world challenges (Gibbons et al., 1994).

While the importance of Knowledge Economy principles in research is acknowledged, there is a need for systematic assessment to understand how universities are integrating these principles into their research landscape. Such assessments provide universities with actionable insights to enhance their contributions to knowledge-driven economies (Perkmann & Walsh, 2007).

This study, "Assessing Knowledge Economy Utilization in Research at Technological Institute of the Philippines Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)," emerges from the imperative to evaluate TIP's research activities through the lens of Knowledge Economy principles. By employing Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a sophisticated natural language processing technique, this research aims to categorize TIP's research publications, identify Knowledge Economy-related topics, and offer valuable insights for strategic decision-making.

Problem Statement: The problem addressed in this research is the assessment of knowledge economy utilization in research at the Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). The study aims to identify the current state of knowledge economy integration in TIP's research landscape and provide strategic insights for enhancing its utilization.


  1. Assess the utilization of knowledge economy principles in TIP's research activities.

  2. Identify areas of strength and areas that require improvement in integrating knowledge economy principles.

  3. Provide strategic insights for TIP's academic leadership and stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding research investments, curriculum development, and collaborations.

  4. Contribute to TIP's ongoing efforts to enhance the integration of knowledge economy principles.

Purpose and Methodology

The purpose of this research is to assess how Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) utilizes principles of the knowledge economy in their research activities. A mixed methods approach is used, combining quantitative and qualitative analysis. Research publications from TIP over the years will be collected and preprocessed. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a topic modeling technique, will then be applied to identify prevalent themes. Both the frequency and content of topics related to knowledge economy principles will be examined. The findings aim to provide strategic recommendations to better align TIP's research with the knowledge economy.


  1. Literature Review: Conduct a comprehensive review of related literature on knowledge economy utilization in research and the application of LDA in assessing research landscapes.

  2. Data Collection: Find multiple sources of published and presented research projects from TIP’s past project directory and also search from google scholars of author names and publications. If there are none, use google as it is and to make things easier using AI Chatbot to make searching of said topics easier as well as they can provide links to the publication paper.

  3. Data Analysis: Utilize Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to analyze the collected data and identify prevalent themes and patterns related to knowledge economy utilization.

  4. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis: Combine qualitative and quantitative analyses to provide a multifaceted assessment of knowledge economy utilization within TIP's research landscape.

  5. Strategic Insights: Generate strategic insights based on the findings to guide TIP's academic leadership and stakeholders in decision-making, research investments, curriculum development, and collaborations.

  6. Recommendations: Provide actionable recommendations for aligning research activities more closely with the knowledge economy paradigm to foster a culture of innovation, knowledge dissemination, and technological advancement within TIP.

Project Objectives

The primary objective of this research is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the utilization of Knowledge Economy principles in research initiatives at Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP). This objective is driven by the recognition of the transformative potential of the Knowledge Economy paradigm and its relevance within the academic context. Specifically, the research aims to utilize the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm to analyze research publications produced by TIP researchers and categorize them into distinct topics related to the Knowledge Economy.

1. Understanding Knowledge Economy Utilization

The first facet of the research objective is to gain a deep understanding of how Knowledge Economy principles are integrated into research activities at TIP. This involves examining the extent to which researchers at TIP have embraced the core tenets of the Knowledge Economy, including the reliance on intellectual capabilities, technological innovation, and rapid knowledge dissemination.

2. Identification of Knowledge Economy Themes

The research seeks to identify and categorize the prevalent themes and topics within the research publications generated by TIP researchers. By applying the LDA algorithm, the study aims to uncover latent topics that reflect the Knowledge Economy paradigm. These topics may encompass areas such as innovation, technology-driven research, intellectual property, knowledge creation, and dissemination, among others.

3. Quantitative Assessment

Beyond qualitative analysis, the research objective also includes a quantitative assessment of Knowledge Economy utilization. This entails quantifying the prevalence of Knowledge Economy-related topics within the research corpus. By assigning numerical values to the occurrence of these topics, the study aims to provide a data-driven perspective on the extent of alignment with Knowledge Economy principles.

4. Identifying Research Trends

The research objective extends to identifying evolving research trends within the TIP community. By categorizing research publications into Knowledge Economy-related topics, the study can uncover shifts and emerging areas of focus. This insight can aid TIP in staying at the forefront of knowledge creation and addressing contemporary challenges.

5. Strategic Insights

Ultimately, the research objective is designed to provide strategic insights for TIP's academic leadership and stakeholders. The findings will enable informed decision-making regarding research investments, curriculum development, and collaborations. Additionally, the research seeks to highlight areas where TIP has excelled in integrating Knowledge Economy principles and where there is room for improvement.

6. Enhancing Knowledge Economy Integration

The overarching goal of this research objective is to contribute to TIP's ongoing efforts to enhance the integration of Knowledge Economy principles. By pinpointing areas of strength and areas that require attention, the study aims to provide actionable recommendations for aligning research activities more closely with the Knowledge Economy paradigm. This, in turn, can foster a culture of innovation, knowledge dissemination, and technological advancement within the university.

In summary, the research objective encompasses a multifaceted assessment of Knowledge Economy utilization within TIP's research landscape. It combines qualitative and quantitative analyses, identifies prevalent themes, and offers strategic insights to propel TIP's research endeavors in line with the dynamic and transformative Knowledge Economy paradigm.

Significance of the Study

The assessment of Knowledge Economy utilization in research at Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) holds substantial significance on multiple fronts, both within the academic institution and in the broader context of knowledge-driven economies.

1. Advancing Academic Research

At the core of this study's significance is its potential to advance the quality and impact of academic research at TIP. By systematically analyzing research publications, categorizing them into thematic clusters, and identifying Knowledge Economy-related topics, the study offers a robust framework for enhancing the institution's research landscape. This advancement is vital in an era where universities are increasingly evaluated based on their contributions to innovation, economic development, and societal progress (Etzkowitz & Leydesdorff, 2000).

2. Strategic Decision-Making

The findings of this research will provide TIP's academic leadership and stakeholders with valuable strategic insights. These insights will enable evidence-based decision-making regarding research investments, curriculum development, and partnerships. By understanding which Knowledge Economy-related topics are thriving and which require further attention, TIP can align its resources and efforts to foster a culture of innovation, knowledge dissemination, and technological advancement.

3. Fostering Innovation

Innovation is a central pillar of the Knowledge Economy paradigm. The study's identification of Knowledge Economy-related topics within TIP's research corpus can serve as a catalyst for fostering innovation. It can inspire researchers to delve deeper into areas aligned with Knowledge Economy principles, thus contributing to the creation of high-value knowledge assets, technology transfer, and industry collaboration (Arundel & Geuna, 2004). Ultimately, this fosters an ecosystem where research translates into practical applications and economic growth.

4. Curriculum Development

Universities play a pivotal role in preparing future professionals and innovators. The insights gained from this study can inform curriculum development at TIP. By understanding which Knowledge Economy-related topics are prevalent in research, the institution can tailor educational programs to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in a knowledge-driven economy (Goddard et al., 2009). This alignment between research and education ensures that graduates are well-prepared to contribute to industry and society.

5. National and Global Relevance

The significance of this study extends beyond the confines of TIP. It contributes to the broader discourse on the role of universities in Knowledge Economies, a discussion of global relevance. The findings can offer insights and best practices that other academic institutions can draw upon as they seek to align their research activities with Knowledge Economy principles. This sharing of knowledge has the potential to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among universities globally.

6. Preparing for Future Challenges

The Knowledge Economy is marked by rapid technological advances and evolving societal challenges. By assessing Knowledge Economy utilization within its research activities, TIP can better prepare itself to address future challenges and opportunities. The study equips the institution with the awareness and adaptability needed to stay at the forefront of knowledge creation and innovation (OECD, 1996).

Scope and delimitation of the study

The scope of this research, "Assessing Knowledge Economy Utilization in Research at Technological Institute of the Philippines Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)," encompasses several key dimensions:

1. Research Publication Data

The primary focus of this study is on research publications produced by Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) over a defined period, typically the past five years. These publications include academic articles, conference papers, and other scholarly outputs.

2. Thematic Analysis

The study employs Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) as the primary analytical tool for categorizing research publications into distinct thematic clusters or topics. Special attention is directed toward identifying topics related to Knowledge Economy principles.

3. Knowledge Economy Framework

The research assesses the utilization of Knowledge Economy principles within the thematic clusters identified. Knowledge Economy principles encompass a range of concepts, including technology transfer, innovation, intellectual property, and the rapid translation of research into practical applications.

4. Qualitative Insights

In addition to quantitative analysis, the study includes qualitative insights gained from the examination of individual research articles within Knowledge Economy-related topics. This qualitative dimension offers depth and context to the findings.

Delimitations of the Study


To maintain the focus and feasibility of the research, several delimitations are acknowledged:

1. Temporal Limitation

The study primarily considers research publications from the past five years. While this timeframe provides recent insights, it may not capture longer-term trends or historical patterns in research utilization of Knowledge Economy principles.

2. Institutional Focus

The research is specific to Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP). While the findings may have broader implications for academic institutions, they are directly applicable to TIP's research landscape.

3. Language Limitation

The analysis is conducted primarily in English due to the predominant language of academic publications. Research publications in other languages may not be comprehensively included.

4. External Stakeholders

While the study assesses the utilization of Knowledge Economy principles within TIP, it does not delve into the perspectives or collaborations with external stakeholders, such as industry partners or government agencies.

5. Ethical Considerations

The study acknowledges ethical considerations related to data privacy and confidentiality but does not delve into the specific ethical challenges faced by TIP researchers in their work.

6. Curriculum Assessment

While the research may inform curriculum development, it does not assess the direct impact of research utilization of Knowledge Economy principles on TIP's educational programs.

7. Limited Data Sources

The study relies primarily on publicly accessible research publications and may not encompass proprietary or confidential research conducted at TIP.

Chapter 2

Theoretical Framework

Review of Related Literature

The Knowledge Economy Paradigm in Academia

The concept of the Knowledge Economy has garnered significant attention in recent years, reshaping how academic institutions approach research, innovation, and knowledge dissemination. This paradigm shift challenges the traditional economic models that prioritize physical resources and manufacturing. Instead, it places knowledge, intellectual capabilities, and innovation at the forefront of economic and academic progress (Foray, 2004).

Within academia, the Knowledge Economy paradigm underscores the importance of universities as drivers of knowledge creation and innovation hubs (Etzkowitz & Leydesdorff, 2000). Universities are viewed as critical actors in generating intellectual capital, fostering innovation, and contributing to regional and national economic development (Goddard et al., 2009).

Knowledge Economy and Research

Incorporating Knowledge Economy principles into research activities within academic institutions has become imperative. Research initiatives are no longer solely evaluated based on the quantity of publications but also on their potential to drive innovation and economic growth (Cohen & Levinthal, 1990). Knowledge Economy-driven research emphasizes technology transfer, industry collaboration, and the rapid translation of research findings into practical applications (OECD, 1996).

The alignment of research with Knowledge Economy principles is characterized by a focus on intellectual property, technology commercialization, and the creation of high-value knowledge assets (Arundel & Geuna, 2004). This shift has led to increased attention on the role of universities in patenting, licensing, and industry partnerships (Muscio & Ramaciotti, 2016).

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) in Research Analysis

The application of machine learning and natural language processing techniques to analyze research publications has gained prominence in recent years. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), in particular, has emerged as a powerful tool for uncovering latent topics within textual data (Blei, Ng, & Jordan, 2003).

LDA is an unsupervised machine learning algorithm that probabilistically models the underlying topics within a corpus of text. It has been applied extensively in various research domains, including text mining, content analysis, and topic modeling (Blei et al., 2003). In the context of academic research, LDA has been utilized to categorize and identify themes within research publications (Roberts, Stewart, & Tingley, 2013).

Previous Studies Utilizing LDA in Research Analysis

Several studies have employed LDA to gain insights into the thematic composition of research publications within academic institutions. For instance, Wang, Ahmed, & Hu (2016) applied LDA to categorize research articles in the field of computer science, revealing prevalent research themes and trends. Similarly, Ahmed, Hu, & Chen (2019) utilized LDA to analyze the research output of a major university, identifying key topics and their evolution over time.

Research Gap

While previous studies have applied LDA in research analysis, there is a notable gap in the literature regarding the specific utilization of Knowledge Economy-related themes within academic research. This research aims to address this gap by employing LDA to categorize research publications at Technological Institute of the Philippines into distinct topics related to the Knowledge Economy paradigm.

The literature review provides a comprehensive understanding of the Knowledge Economy paradigm's significance within academia and the evolving role of universities in driving knowledge creation and innovation. It underscores the relevance of aligning research activities with Knowledge Economy principles and highlights the potential of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) as a tool for uncovering thematic compositions within research publications. This literature review serves as a foundational framework for the research, guiding the exploration of Knowledge Economy utilization within Technological Institute of the Philippines' research landscape using the LDA algorithm.

Latent Dirichlet Allocation

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a powerful probabilistic model and machine learning algorithm used for topic modeling and document classification. Developed by David Blei, Andrew Ng, and Michael Jordan in 2003, LDA has found extensive applications in natural language processing (NLP), information retrieval, and text mining. It is particularly valuable for uncovering hidden thematic structures within a collection of documents.

Here are some key aspects and characteristics of Latent Dirichlet Allocation:

Topic Modeling: LDA is primarily employed for topic modeling, which involves identifying underlying topics or themes within a set of documents. Topics are defined as distributions over words, and each document is seen as a mixture of topics.

Probabilistic Approach: LDA takes a probabilistic approach to model the generative process of documents. It assumes that there are a fixed number of topics in the corpus, and each document is generated by a probabilistic distribution over these topics.

Generative Model: LDA posits a generative process for how documents are created. It assumes that a document is a mixture of topics, and each topic is a distribution over words. The algorithm then aims to reverse-engineer this process to discover the topics and their distributions.

Unsupervised Learning: LDA is an unsupervised learning algorithm, meaning that it doesn't require labeled data for training. Instead, it automatically identifies topics within the documents based on patterns in the words used.

Dirichlet Distributions: LDA utilizes Dirichlet distributions to model the relationships between topics and words. Dirichlet distributions are probability distributions over probability distributions, making them suitable for modeling the distribution of topics in documents and words in topics.

Parameter Estimation: LDA involves estimating model parameters, such as the distribution of topics in documents and the distribution of words in topics, using techniques like variational inference or Gibbs sampling.

Applications: LDA has diverse applications, including document clustering, document recommendation, sentiment analysis, content summarization, and information retrieval. It has proven especially valuable in organizing and categorizing large volumes of text data.

Challenges: While LDA is a powerful tool, it also faces challenges, such as selecting the optimal number of topics, handling stop words, and dealing with highly skewed or imbalanced data.

Visualization: LDA results can be visualized through tools like word clouds, topic distributions, and topic-document matrices, allowing researchers to interpret and analyze the discovered topics.

Definition of Terms

Knowledge Economy - A socio-economic system characterized by the predominant reliance on intellectual capabilities, knowledge-intensive activities, innovation, and the rapid dissemination of information and technology as drivers of economic growth and competitiveness.

Academic Research - Systematic and scholarly investigation conducted by academic institutions and researchers to expand knowledge, develop new theories, and contribute to the existing body of literature in various fields of study.

Knowledge Creation - The process of generating new knowledge through research, innovation, and creative endeavors, often resulting in the development of intellectual property, patents, and new insights.

Innovation - The process of translating knowledge and ideas into practical applications, products, services, or processes that contribute to economic growth, societal advancement, and improved quality of life.

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) - A machine learning and natural language processing technique used to analyze and categorize textual data, such as research publications, by identifying underlying topics and their prevalence within a corpus.

Topic Modeling - A computational method that identifies and extracts topics or themes within a large collection of textual documents, enabling researchers to understand the content and patterns of the documents.

Thematic Composition - The distribution of topics or themes within a set of textual documents, revealing the relative importance and prevalence of specific subject areas within the corpus.

Machine Learning - A subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on developing algorithms and models that enable computers to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data, without being explicitly programmed.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) - A field of AI and computational linguistics that focuses on enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language, allowing for the analysis of textual data.

Technology Transfer - The process of transferring scientific knowledge, technologies, or innovations developed in academic research to practical applications in industry or society.

Industry Collaboration - Partnerships and collaborations between academic institutions and industry organizations to jointly pursue research, development, and innovation activities.

Chapter 3

Research Design

This study employs a mixed-methods research design that combines both quantitative and qualitative approaches to comprehensively assess the utilization of Knowledge Economy principles in research activities at Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP). The research design involves three main phases: data collection, data analysis, and interpretation.

Phase 1: Collection of Research Publications

The primary data source for this study consists of research publications produced by TIP researchers over a defined period, typically the past five years. These publications encompass a diverse range of fields and disciplines, reflecting the breadth of research conducted at TIP. The collection process involves accessing academic databases, institutional repositories, and TIP's own records to compile a comprehensive dataset of research publications.

Phase 2: Preprocessing of Textual Data

Before subjecting the research publications to analysis, a preprocessing phase is executed. This phase involves text cleaning, which includes tasks such as removing punctuation, stop words, and irrelevant characters. Additionally, the text data may undergo stemming or lemmatization to reduce words to their base forms, ensuring consistency in the analysis.

Phase 3: Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Topic Modeling

The core analytical technique employed in this study is Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a probabilistic topic modeling algorithm widely used in natural language processing (Blei et al., 2003). LDA will be applied to the preprocessed textual data to identify latent topics within the research publications.

Subphase 3.1: Topic Modeling

The LDA algorithm will be used to categorize research publications into distinct topics based on the distribution of words and terms within the text. Each topic represents a thematic cluster of research articles that share common terminology and subject matter.

Subphase 3.2: Identification of Knowledge Economy-Related Topics

Within the topics generated by LDA, special attention will be directed toward identifying topics that align with Knowledge Economy principles. This step involves manual inspection and validation of the topics to ensure that those related to the Knowledge Economy are correctly identified.

Subphase 3.3: Quantitative Analysis

Quantitative metrics will be applied to assess the prevalence of Knowledge Economy-related topics within the research corpus. These metrics include the frequency of occurrence, topic distribution, and trend analysis over the specified time period.

Phase 4: Qualitative Analysis

In addition to quantitative metrics, qualitative analysis will be conducted to provide context and depth to the findings. This phase involves examining individual research articles within Knowledge Economy-related topics to gain a nuanced understanding of how Knowledge Economy principles are applied in TIP's research.

Phase 5: Strategic Insights and Recommendations

The final phase of the analysis focuses on deriving strategic insights and actionable recommendations. The research findings, both quantitative and qualitative, will be synthesized to provide a comprehensive assessment of Knowledge Economy utilization within TIP's research landscape. These insights will inform strategic decision-making for TIP's academic leadership and stakeholders, guiding efforts to enhance the integration of Knowledge Economy principles.

Ethical Considerations

Throughout the research process, ethical considerations will be paramount. The study will adhere to ethical guidelines regarding data privacy, consent, and proper citation of research publications. Additionally, steps will be taken to ensure the anonymity and confidentiality of individual researchers and their work.

The methodology outlined in this research framework employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating quantitative analysis with qualitative insights to comprehensively assess the utilization of Knowledge Economy principles in research at Technological Institute of the Philippines. By applying Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling, the study aims to categorize research publications, identify Knowledge Economy-related topics, and provide valuable insights to guide strategic decision-making within the institution. Ethical considerations will be upheld throughout the research process to ensure the responsible handling of data and information.


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Submitted by27 Oct 2023
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