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07/11/2024| By
Eduardo Antonio Eduardo Antonio Bermúdez Alejandro

Este artículo aborda la implementación de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TICs) en el sector agrícola a través del desarrollo de un prototipo vehicular automatizado, que tiene como propósito mejorar la eficiencia en los procesos de recolección y pesaje de productos agrícolas. El prototipo está diseñado para facilitar la recolección de los productos y registrar automáticamente su peso, optimizando así tanto el proceso de pesaje como el almacenamiento. El vehículo en cuestión está equipado con un motor de tracción que le permite desplazarse por áreas de cultivo, una báscula integrada que registra el peso de los productos recolectados y un sistema de seguimiento de personas. Además, el registro digital del peso almacenado es seguro y solo accesible a través de credenciales autorizadas, lo que minimiza los riesgos de manipulación de la información. El proyecto surge como respuesta a los métodos tradicionales de recolección y pesaje en áreas agrícolas, los cuales son ineficientes y requieren de mucho tiempo y esfuerzo. Tras una visita a un área de cultivo, se identificó la necesidad de un sistema más preciso y automatizado que permita a los productores llevar un control exacto de su producción. De esta forma, se busca mejorar la eficiencia de los procesos, reducir el uso de papeleo y optimizar los recursos invertidos, lo que a su vez incrementa la competitividad y sostenibilidad del sector agrícola. Este tipo de solución, que integra el Internet de las Cosas (IoT) al conectar dispositivos inteligentes como el vehículo automatizado, la báscula y los sistemas de monitoreo, representa un avance significativo hacia la modernización del sector agrícola, permitiendo un manejo más ágil, preciso y transparente de los recursos.

24/10/2024| By
Miguel Miguel Huchim

La instalación de paneles solares en bombas de agua en instalaciones educativas no solo reduce costos y apoya la sostenibilidad, sino que también promueve una educación más integral y responsable, preparando a los estudiantes para enfrentar los desafíos futuros.

09/10/2024| By
Luis J. Luis J. Mena

Machine learning has become a powerful tool for analysing medical domains, assessing the importance of clinical parameters, and extracting medical knowledge for outcomes research. In this paper, we present a machine learning method for extracting diagnostic and prognostic thresholds, based on a symbolic classification algorithm called REMED.We evaluated the performance of our method by determining new prognostic thresholds for well-known and potential cardiovascular risk factors that are used to support medical decisions in the prognosis of fatal cardiovascular diseases. Our approach predicted 36% of cardiovascular deaths with 80% specificity and 75% general accuracy. The new method provides an innovative approach that might be useful to support decisions about medical diagnoses and prognoses.

09/10/2024| By
Luis J. Luis J. Mena

Mobile electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring is an emerging area that has received increasing attention in recent years, but still real-life validation for elderly residing in low and middle-income countries is scarce. We developed a wearable ECG monitor that is integrated with a self-designed wireless sensor for ECG signal acquisition. It is used with a native purposely designed smartphone application, based on machine learning techniques, for automated classification of captured ECG beats from aged people. When tested on 100 older adults, the monitoring system discriminated normal and abnormal ECG signals with a high degree of accuracy (97%), sensitivity (100%), and specificity (96.6%). With further verification, the system could be useful for detecting cardiac abnormalities in the home environment and contribute to prevention, early diagnosis, and effective treatment of cardiovascular diseases, while keeping costs down and increasing access to healthcare services for older persons.

09/10/2024| By
Luis J. Luis J. Mena

The ARVmobile v1.0 is a multiplatform mobile personal health monitor (PHM) application for ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) monitoring that has the potential to aid in the acquisition and analysis of detailed profile of ABP and heart rate (HR), improve the early detection and intervention of hypertension, and detect potential abnormal BP and HR levels for timely medical feedback.The PHM systemconsisted of ABP sensor to detect BP and HR signals and smartphone as receiver to collect the transmitted digital data and process them to provide immediate personalized information to the user. Android and Blackberry platforms were developed to detect and alert of potential abnormal values, offer friendly graphical user interface for elderly people, and provide feedback to professional healthcare providers via e-mail. ABP data were obtained from twenty-one healthy individuals (>51 years) to test the utility of the PHM application.The ARVmobile v1.0 was able to reliably receive and process the ABP readings from the volunteers. The preliminary results demonstrate that the ARVmobile 1.0 application could be used to performa detailed profile of ABP and HR in an ordinary daily life environment, bedsides of estimating potential diagnostic thresholds of abnormal BP variability measured as average real variability.

09/10/2024| By
Luis J. Luis J. Mena

Mobile electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring is an emerging area that has received increasing attention in recent years, but still real-life validation for elderly residing in low and middle-income countries is scarce. We developed a wearable ECG monitor that is integrated with a self-designed wireless sensor for ECG signal acquisition. It is used with a native purposely designed smartphone application, based on machine learning techniques, for automated classification of captured ECG beats from aged people. When tested on 100 older adults, the monitoring system discriminated normal and abnormal ECG signals with a high degree of accuracy (97%), sensitivity (100%), and specificity (96.6%). With further verification, the system could be useful for detecting cardiac abnormalities in the home environment and contribute to prevention, early diagnosis, and effective treatment of cardiovascular diseases, while keeping costs down and increasing access to healthcare services for older persons.

09/10/2024| By
Luis J. Luis J. Mena

BACKGROUND Average real variability (ARV) is a recently proposed index for shortterm blood pressure (BP) variability. We aimed to determine the minimum number of BP readings required to compute ARV without loss of prognostic information. METHODS ARV was calculated from a discovery dataset that included 24-hour ambulatory BP measurements for 1,254 residents (mean age!=! 56.6! years; 43.5% women) of Copenhagen, Denmark. Concordance between ARV from full (%80 BP readings) and randomly reduced 24-hour BP recordings was examined, as was prognostic accuracy. A! test dataset that included 5,353 subjects (mean age!=! 54.0!years; 45.6% women) with at least 48 BP measurements from 11 randomly recruited population cohorts was used to validate the results. RESULTS In the discovery dataset, a minimum of 48 BP readings allowed an accurate assessment of the association between cardiovascular risk and ARV. In the test dataset, over 10.2!years (median), 806 participants died (335 cardiovascular deaths, 206 cardiac deaths) and 696 experienced a major fatal or nonfatal cardiovascular event. Standardized multivariable-adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) were computed for associations between outcome and BP variability. Higher diastolic ARV in 24-hour ambulatory BP recordings predicted (P!<!0.01) total (HR!=!1.12), cardiovascular (HR!=!1.19), and cardiac (HR!=!1.19) mortality and fatal combined with nonfatal cerebrovascular events (HR!=!1.16). Higher systolic ARV in 24-hour ambulatory BP recordings predicted (P!<!0.01) total (HR!=!1.12), cardiovascular (HR!=!1.17), and cardiac (HR!=!1.24) mortality. CONCLUSIONS Forty-eight BP readings over 24 hours were observed to be adequate to compute ARV without meaningful loss of prognostic information.

09/10/2024| By
Luis J. Luis J. Mena

Background-—Although 24-hour blood pressure (BP) variability (BPV) is predictive of cardiovascular outcomes independent of absolute BP levels, it is not regularly assessed in clinical practice. One possible limitation to routine BPV assessment is the lack of standardized methods for accurately estimating 24-hour BPV. We conducted a systematic review to assess the predictive power of reported BPV indexes to address appropriate quantification of 24-hour BPV, including the average real variability (ARV) index. Methods and Results-—Studies chosen for review were those that presented data for 24-hour BPV in adults from meta-analysis, longitudinal or cross-sectional design, and examined BPV in terms of the following issues: (1) methods used to calculate and evaluate ARV; (2) assessment of 24-hour BPV determined using noninvasive ambulatory BP monitoring; (3) multivariate analysis adjusted for covariates, including some measure of BP; (4) association of 24-hour BPV with subclinical organ damage; and (5) the predictive value of 24-hour BPV on target organ damage and rate of cardiovascular events. Of the 19 assessed studies, 17 reported significant associations between high ARV and the presence and progression of subclinical organ damage, as well as the incidence of hard end points, such as cardiovascular events. In all these cases, ARV remained a significant independent predictor (P<0.05) after adjustment for BP and other clinical factors. In addition, increased ARV in systolic BP was associated with risk of all cardiovascular events (hazard ratio, 1.18; 95% confidence interval, 1.09–1.27). Only 2 cross-sectional studies did not find that high ARV was a significant risk factor. Conclusions-—Current evidence suggests that ARV index adds significant prognostic information to 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring and is a useful approach for studying the clinical value of BPV.

07/09/2024| By
Isabel Isabel Fernandez Leal Aguilera

Este trabajo investigación tiene por objeto relacionar la teoría de los derechos de los animales con la legislación mexicana sobre el aprovechamiento de la fauna silvestre en México en concreto con el caso del borrego cimarrón. La tesis consta de tres capítulos y un apartado de quince conclusiones. En el capítulo primero parto de la idea de crisis ambiental como eje de la problemática ambiental y retomo dos definiciones de derecho ambiental. Continúo con la teoría de los derechos de los animales basándome en su principal exponente, Tom Regan. Regan examina las corrientes: contractualista, utilitarista y la suya, el criterio de los derechos. Profundizo en esta última y expongo algunas críticas que se le hacen al pensamiento de Tom Regan. Después presento otras posturas sobre la protección o defensa de los animales. En el capítulo segundo reviso la normatividad internacional y nacional que regula el aprovechamiento de la fauna silvestre en México, enfocado al caso del borrego cimarrón. Reviso, por ejemplo, cual es el estado en que se encuentra tanto en la lista roja de especies amenazadas de la Unión Internacional de Conservación de la Naturaleza, así como la Norma Oficial 059; hago un análisis de las Unidades de Manejo para la Conservación de Vida Silvestre (UMAs), por qué existe un tipo de ellas que funcionan como ranchos cinegéticos, donde precisamente se conservan borregos cimarrones para poder aprovecharlos de manera sustentable. Por último en el capítulo tres explico la situación en la que se ha encontrado a lo largo del tiempo el borrego cimarrón así como los diversos factores que han habido para la pérdida y recuperación de la especie y las posibles alternativas que pueden darse para su conservación respetando su vida, integridad física y libertad. Este tema es apasionante y polémico sin duda. Me parece que el lector puede darse una buena y objetiva idea de cuál es la situación del borrego cimarrón en México y con ello puede tomar una postura propia, que espero sea la abrirse a la idea de que los animales tienen derechos, una consideración moral y que la cacería es el último recurso para la subsistencia humana.

06/07/2024| By
Aiden Aiden Cheng

This essay provides a comprehensive examination of drought and flooding, focusing on their definitions, causes, and implications. It delves into the natural causes such as climate patterns, topography, and weather anomalies, as well as human-induced factors like deforestation, urbanization, dam construction, and climate change. Using China as a case study, the essay highlights the multifaceted interactions between natural processes and human activities that contribute to the frequency and severity of droughts and floods.

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