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Manuel Martin-Marquez

An innovative, committed and meticulous senior data scientist-engineer passionate about Blockchain technologies with exceptional management expertise, outstanding problem-solving prowess, excellent multilingual communication skills, and a proven track record improving European CERN's data-driven accelerator complex control systems and applying new paradigms for Big Data analytics, process, and management. Currently unlocking the application of blockchain technologies at the lab. Skills and Key Competencies - Influential, encouraging leader & strong team player - Shrewd and incisive decision-maker/problem-solver - Highly organized with meticulous attention to detail - Natural ability to engage across all levels/cultures - Professionalism, pragmatism & integrity at all times - Comprehensive data analytics expertise - Data management/engineering skills - Exceptional project & change management prowess - Multidisciplinary team working and training acumen - Outstanding communication & presentation prowess
24/03/2023| By
M. Carmen M. Carmen Pastor

La tecnología Blockchain despierta un creciente interés entre los ciudadanos, empresas y legisladores de la Unión Europea. No obstante, acerca de la tecnología de Blockchain, se sigue más de cerca un área en particular, la moneda. El Banco central europeo (BCE), en su informe de febrero 2015 sobre monedas virtuales (criptodivisas), las define como: La representación digital de valor, no emitida por ninguna autoridad bancaria central, institución de crédito o emisor de dinero electrónico reconocido, que, en ciertas ocasiones, puede ser utilizada como medio de pago alternativo al dinero. Sobre esta materia no existe una regulación específica, por lo que, de conformidad a la recomendación realizada por el BCE en el apartado de conclusiones de su informe de 2015, y Resolución del Parlamento Europeo, de 26 de mayo de 2016, sobre monedas virtuales (2016/2007(INI)), nos debemos remitir al marco legislativo actual de supervisión y control monetario, que es el que de momento intenta dar una respuesta a este fenómeno. Puede decirse que, a diferencia del dinero electrónico, lo que persigue el marco legal es evitar la utilización indebida de las Monedas Virtuales para blanquear dinero y financiar el terrorismo. La cuestión, sin embargo, sigue siendo una cuestión legal deslumbrante. No existe una clara determinación de los efectos jurídicos del pago, por ello debemos clarificar su distinción con respecto al dinero de curso legal y el dinero electrónico. Por esta razón nos centraremos en el análisis, de la decisión del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea Asunto C-264/14 (Skatteverket / David Hedqvist) de 22 de octubre de 2015. Procedimiento prejudicial — Sistema común del impuesto sobre el valor añadido (IVA) — Directiva 2006/112/CE — Artículos 2, apartado 1, letra c), y 135, apartado 1, letras d) a f) — Servicios a título oneroso — Operaciones de cambio de la divisa virtual “bitcoin” por divisas tradicionales — Exención. Blockchain technology is of increasing interest to citizens, businesses and legislators across the European Union. However, about Blockchain technology, is followed by a closer look at particular area, the currency. The European Central Bank (ECB), in its February 2015 report on virtual currencies (cryptocurrencies), defines them as: Digital representation of value, not issued by any central banking authority, credit institution or recognized electronic money issuer, which on certain occasions, can be used as an alternative means of payment to money. On this subject there is no specific regulation, so in accordance with the recommendation made by the ECB in the conclusions section of its 2015 report, and European Parliament resolution of 26 May 2016 on virtual currencies (2016 / 2007 (INI)), we should refer to the current legislative framework for monetary supervision and control, which is currently attempting to respond to this phenomenon. It can be said that, unlike e-cash, what the legal framework pursues is to avoid the misuse of Virtual Coins to launder money and finance terrorism. The issue, however, remains a dazzling legal cuestion. There is no clear determination of the legal effects of payment, therefore we must clarify its distinction with respect to legal tender money and e-cash. For this reason, we will focus on the analysis Court of Justice of the European Union decision. Case C-264/14 (Skatteverket v David Hedqvist) of 22 October 2015. Reference for a preliminary ruling - Common system of value added tax (VAT) - Directive 2006/112 / EC - Articles 2 (1), and 135 (1) (d) to (f) - Services for consideration - Transactions in the traditional currency of bitcoin for traditional currencies – Exemption.

Version 1
Evolution of the Hadoop Platform and Ecosystem for High Energy Physics
11/11/2022| By
Manuel Manuel Martin-Marquez,
+ 4
Manuel Manuel Martin-Marquez

The interest in using scalable data processing solutions based on Apache Hadoop ecosystem is constantly growing in the High Energy Physics (HEP) community. This drives the need for increased reliability and availability of the central Hadoop service and underlying infrastructure provided to the community by the CERN IT department. This paper reports on the overall status of the Hadoop platform and related Hadoop and Spark service at CERN, detailing recent enhancements and features introduced in many areas including the service configuration, availability, alerting, monitoring and data protection, in order to meet the new requirements posed by the users’ community

12/03/2016| By
Martın-Marquez Martın-Marquez Manuel

CERN’s accelerator complex generates a very large amount of data. A large volumen of heterogeneous data is constantly generated from control equipment and monitoring agents. These data must be stored and analysed. Over the decades, CERN’s researching and engineering teams have applied different approaches, techniques and technologies for this purpose. This situation has minimised the necessary collaboration and, more relevantly, the cross data analytics over different domains. These two factors are essential to unlock hidden insights and correlations between the underlying processes, which enable better and more efficient daily-based accelerator operations and more informed decisions. The proposed Big Data Analytics as a Service Infrastructure aims to: (1) integrate the existing developments; (2) centralise and standardise the complex data analytics needs for CERN’s research and engineering community; (3) deliver real-time, batch data analytics and information discovery capabilities; and (4) provide transparent access and Extract, Transform and Load (ETL), mechanisms to the various and mission-critical existing data repositories. This paper presents the desired objectives and properties resulting from the analysis of CERN’s data analytics requirements; the main challenges: technological, collaborative and educational and; potential solutions.