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Hamad Alketbi

22/02/2025| By
Hamad Hamad Alketbi

This paper evaluates the impact of innovation on the sustainability of elec-tric vehicles (EVs) in the transportation industry. It does this by analyzing the development of new electric vehicle (EV) batteries, the improvement in charging stations, the aesthetics of cars, the construction of smart grids, and the effects of consumers and the production processes of EVs. This research utilizes a quantitative method based on a survey that was conducted with participants working in the EV manufacturing industry of the UAE. It has been found that the use of technological handicrafts makes a considerable contribution to the improvement of EV sustainability through greater energy efficiency, reduction of damaging impacts to the environment, and with the range of consumer issues in terms of range or charging skepticism. Fur-thermore, as the critical adopting, the emerging innovations, and the policy emersion that needs to be controlled, public-private partnerships appear to be essential. The study makes practical recommendations to government and business leaders and underlines the importance of putting more focus on financing activities such as R&D, promoting infrastructure, building awareness among consumers about electric vehicles, and strengthening global sustainability objectives. These results highlight the importance of the interdependence of technology, policy, business, and other social factors on the development of sustainable transportation (Alanazi, 2023).

28/01/2025| By
Hamad Hamad Alketbi

This thesis evaluates the impact of innovation on the sustainability of electric vehicles (EVs) in the transportation industry. It does this by analyzing the de-velopment of new electric vehicle (EV) batteries, the improvement in charging stations, the aesthetics of cars, the construction of smart grids, and the effects of consumers and the production processes of EVs. This research utilizes a quantitative method based on a survey that was conducted with participants working in the EV manufacturing industry of the UAE. It has been found that the use of technological handicrafts makes a considerable contribution to the improvement of EV sustainability through greater energy efficiency, reduction of damaging impacts to the environment, and with the range of consumer issues in terms of range or charging skepticism. Furthermore, as the critical adopting, the emerging innovations, and the policy emersion that needs to be controlled, pub-lic-private partnerships appear to be essential. The study makes practical rec-ommendations to government and business leaders and underlines the im-portance of putting more focus on financing activities such as R&D, promoting infrastructure, building awareness among consumers about electric vehicles, and strengthening global sustainability objectives. These results highlight the im-portance of the interdependence of technology, policy, business, and other social factors on the development of sustainable transportation.