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The Builder's Yard
68 Members

The application of scientific principles and knowledge to build “stuff” and solve problems. This is an open access and open peer review community for researchers. Join now, publish your research and review others' work.

14/06/2024| By
Antreas Antreas Kantaros,
+ 4
Stella Stella Mouzakiotou

This study prеsеnts a comprеhеnsivе study focused on four distinct cеramic artifacts, rеvеrеd burial offеrings rеtriеvеd from a chambеr-tomb sitе dating back to thе latе bronzе agе (LH IIIA1 pеriod) in thе rеgion of "Vagia, " Kalapodi, East Locris, Grееcе. Emphasizing thе integration of cutting-еdgе digital tеchnologiеs in archaеological rеsеarch, specifically 3D scanning and 3D color printing mеthodologiеs, this study aims to depict thе matеrials and intricatе dеsign aspеcts of thеsе artifacts. Thе artifacts, comprising of vеssеls and ritual objеcts, wеrе mеticulously scannеd using advancеd 3D scanning tеchniquеs to gеnеratе high-rеsolution digital modеls. Thе utilization of this technology allowеd for thе dеtailеd documеntation and prеsеrvation of thеsе culturally significant itеms. Additionally, thе potential application of 3D color printing еnablеs thе crеation of physical rеplicas, providing tangiblе manifеstations for furthеr study and public еngagеmеnt whilе aiding the prеsеrvation of thе original artifacts. Thе analysis conductеd on thеsе acquired modеls rеvеalеd intricatе dеtails prеviously unsееn, shеdding light on thе craftsmanship, symbolic motifs, and probablе functions of thеsе artifacts within thе socio-cultural contеxt of thе latе bronzе agе sociеty in this rеgion. Furthеrmorе, comparativе studiеs with similar artifacts from contеmporanеous sitеs offеrеd valuablе insights into rеgional variations in cеramic production tеchniquеs and artistic stylеs. This intеrdisciplinary approach, combining archaеological еxcavation with digital scanning and 3D printing tеchnologiеs, not only contributes to thе comprеhеnsivе documеntation and prеsеrvation of thеsе invaluablе artifacts but also offеrs new insights for еnhancеd intеrprеtation and undеrstanding of thе latе bronzе agе matеrial culturе in Eastеrn central Grееcе.

10/06/2024| By
khaled khaled HAMIDI,
+ 2
Dr. Mustafa Dr. Mustafa BUĞDAY

This paper introduces the design and manufacturing of a filling machine specifically for granular materials. This machine is engineered to deliver fixed quantities of materials into containers, utilizing a mechanical mechanism that eliminates the need for calibration sensors. The operation employs a quantitatively controlled delivery system through an upright cylindrical vessel, topped with an aperture for material loading. The procedural sequence of the machine is divided into two main stages: the loading stage and the filling stage. During the loading stage, the cylinder aligns with a source tank, allowing material to enter through the top conduit. Following this, the machine transitions to the filling stage, As the machine moves to the filling stage, the linear motion mechanism adjusts the position of the cylinder, closing the upper inlet and revealing the lower outlet at the same time. This port, which remains closed during the loading phase to prevent leakage, is opened to allow the material to effectively unload into an external container, and begin the filling process. The machine’s capability to fill containers up to 500 ml. The discharge of materials is controlled by a single-ended pneumatic piston, ensuring accurate and consistent delivery into containers. The entire process is automated through an Arduino microcontroller, which coordinates two infrared (IR) sensors and a belt drive system, enabling efficient and reliable operations. Furthermore, the machine's design is tailored for accessibility and adaptability, with all components manufacturable via 3D printing within a 200x200 mm build area. The open-source nature of the design and software invites enhancements and adaptations from the broader community, fostering a collaborative environment for ongoing development and innovation in automated filling systems. This systematic and uniform operation of the machine is essential for applications requiring high precision in material filling.

Version 1
The rise of Machine Learning and Deep Learning
04/06/2024| By

Machine learning can be described as a part of AI which enables computers to learn new tasks and information automatically. This consists of developing models and algorithms that let computers draw conclusions or make forecasts from data patterns. Machine learning has gained popularity recently for its ability to handle datasets and make faster more accurate decisions compared to traditional methods. This paper discusses the comparison, between ML and DL, and the rise of ML in recent years and the increasing use of neural networks as well as the concepts of supervised and unsupervised learning.

Version 1
Asistente Virtual para el Silabo Universitario
27/11/2023| By
Erick Elvis Erick Elvis Vega Zumaeta ,
+ 1
Juan Daniel Juan Daniel Malpartida Hinojosa

Este documento presenta el desarrollo de un asistente virtual implementado en la plataforma de mensajería Telegram. El bot creado tiene la capacidad de proporcionar información sobre el sílabo de un curso específico y enviar archivos de audio. Se describe la metodología utilizada para el diseño e implementación del asistente, así como los resultados obtenidos y una discusión crítica sobre su eficacia.

Version 1
Creación de un sistema neumático en simulador
30/10/2023| By
Moreno Castillo Moreno Castillo Jaime Alberto,
+ 3
Juan Efren Juan Efren Segura Guillen

Este es un manual sobre como armar y conectar un sistema neumático en el simulador FESTO paso a paso, además de también explicar paso a paso un calculo neumático básico que se suele presentar mucho en la carrera de ingeniería en Mantenimiento Industrial.

Version 1
Crack Detection
26/09/2023| By

Abstract The planning, construction, and upkeep of physical structures, including roads, bridges, buildings, and other types of buildings, are the primary responsibilities of civil engineers. Finding cracks and other flaws in structures is one of the more difficult tasks in the field of civil engineering. These flaws can put the structure's stability and safety at risk. A variety of structures, such as buildings, bridges, pipelines, and aircraft components, are all susceptible to developing cracks as a result of inherent flaws. Finding cracks is absolutely necessary in order to guarantee the structural soundness of these assets and guarantee their safety. In this article, we will investigate a variety of techniques and technologies that are utilized for crack detection, as well as the applications for each of these. The construction industry has long recognized the need of building fracture detection as a primary priority. Cracks can emerge in any part of a building, and their presence is typically indicative of problems with the structure or the foundation of the building. Finding these cracks early on is essential for ensuring the security and steadiness of buildings, not only during the construction period but also after they have been built and during their lifetimes. In this review essay, we examine a number of different strategies and methodologies that are utilized in creating crack detection, as well as the benefits, limitations, and difficulties associated with each.

11/09/2023| By
Diego Diego Figueroa Ortuondo

“Análisis de viabilidad para la implementación de un departamento de mercados internacionales en Hamburgo, a partir de la baja de venta, afectada por los aconteceres políticos y sanitarios de los últimos tiempos”.

26/08/2023| By
Daniela Daniela Avila

The new developments of extra heavy crude oil in Orinoco Oil Belt (OOB) will have to affront important challenges. Assuring the resource extraction without impact negatively the original environment will be the most important investment in these remote areas. Restricted access due topographical irregularities, environmental restrictions and lack of production facilities are typical problems in new exploitation OOB areas. The study is based on the technical and economic viability evaluation for the development of new opportunities in Zuata Field; considering volumetric milestones for next 6 years, the new areas and thermal projects represent the most important production booster. Using diagnostic and planning resources as probabilistic analysis, economic evaluations, geologic configurations, possible projected sceneries were obtained to find solutions, in order to achieve the best cost-benefits relationship in exploitation schemes for new fields. As principal results we can mention: - Most optimistic probabilistic prediction allows drilling 36 wells per year. This scheme represents an accumulate increase of 53724 b/d in six years. - Less optimistic probabilistic prediction allows drilling 16 wells per year. This scheme represents an accumulate increase of 35904 b/d in six years. - Six-year field development contemplating temporal facilities is not technically viable. - Data acquisition strategies, focus in decreasing the uncertainty in the geological model must be taken into account in the aggressive exploitation schemes. The results of this study could be used as a decision support and background for others similar business in Orinoco Oil Belt. Since all new ventures are looking for earlier solutions in order to reduce costs and improves profits without having a negative incidence on the environment and the reservoir properties.

26/08/2023| By
Daniela Daniela Avila

El plan de delineación de un yacimiento a partir de la perforación de pozos estratigráficos es una etapa crucial al inicio de cualquier campo productor de petróleo, de esto depende su optima explotación garantizando una mayor cantidad de reservas recuperables durante la vida productiva, ejecutando una menor inversión. Sin embargo, la necesidad de incrementar la tasa interna de retorno para cubrir los gastos operacionales y auto sustentar la inversión, hace que se inicie la etapa de producción sin tener modelos robustos del subsuelo, tal y como es el caso de las empresas conocidas como nuevos desarrollos de la FPO, en las cuales se comienza a desarrollar, a priori, un área determinada del campo conocida como Producción Temprana Acelerada (PTA). El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar una manera óptima de seleccionar una secuencia de perforación de pozos estratigráficos, 10 en este caso, mediante la evaluación y el análisis de un parámetro calculado denominado índice de oportunidad (IO), que incluye tantas propiedades petrofísicas de las rocas, respectividad de los sub-miembros e índice de incertidumbre. Esta metodología permitió jerarquizar la perforación de las localizaciones según la oportunidad que tengan de encontrar arenas productoras y su ubicación en el campo respecto a la data ya adquirida, obteniendo con esto una secuencia donde prevalecen los pozos que aportarán rápidamente mejor calidad y mayor cantidad de información para la explotación de los yacimientos, trabajando paralelamente la delineación como la producción del mismo, rompiendo el esquema tradicional donde el principal parámetro para iniciar la captura de información es la zona con mayor incertidumbre

03/08/2023| By
Ibrahim Ibrahim Ninalowo

With the petroleum industry endeavoring to develop promising oil and gas in deeper water, gas hydrates prevention is a serious concern for oil and gas producing companies producing at conditions in the hydrate region. This paper details lessons learned from the successful field deployment of AA LDHI and proper implementation strategies used for 3 different practical fields as case studies in the Gulf of Mexico. From the 3 field experiences, the AA LDHI has been used to replace the conventional thermodynamic hydrate inhibitor due to over 80% reduction in the cost of treatment and based on other numerous benefits during steady state operations and transition operations where AA LDHI is injected prior to extended shut in and restart for fields producing at low water cut. However the strategy to develop a cost effective chemical management of hydrates for field C producing at high water cut is by pumping methanol or diesel to push down the wellbore fluid below the mud line during planned and unplanned shut ins to delay water production, it also secures the riser with non hydrate fluids. This also shows over 80% reduction in cost of treatment. This illustrates how the AA LDHIs are used in conjunction with more conventional hydrate management approaches to reach an optimal cost effective field hydrate management solution. However this shows that the key to overall success of hydrate prevention is a full integration of a good front end design, a comprehensive deployment and an effective down hole monitoring system.

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