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Recent Publications

13/06/2024| By
Khurshid Khurshid Tukhtaev

A paper detailing the historical impacts of Uzbek carpet weaving on the development of art as a whole in Uzbekistan and the rest of Central Asia, from ancient times to the modern day.

Version 1
Orvium Education
Para la Creación de un Sistema Educativo Modular
12/06/2024| By
Marcelo Marcelo Storoszczuk Durán

El presente artículo aborda la urgente necesidad de adaptación del sistema educativo a las cambiantes tendencias del mundo moderno. En un contexto donde las transformaciones tecnológicas y laborales se suceden a un ritmo vertiginoso, las reformas educativas tradicionales se enfrentan al desafío de volverse obsoletas antes de ser completamente implementadas y evaluadas. En este sentido, se destaca la importancia de replantear los fundamentos del sistema educativo mediante la introducción de un nuevo paradigma: el Sistema Educativo Modular (SEM). Este enfoque busca proporcionar una solución efectiva y sostenible al problema de la obsolescencia acelerada de las reformas educativas. Se propone un sistema altamente adaptable y flexible, capaz de ajustarse ágilmente a las demandas cambiantes del entorno. El Sistema Educativo Modular se fundamenta en la creación de un marco estructural que permita la fácil modificación de sus componentes clave, desde los programas de estudio hasta los métodos de evaluación.

10/06/2024| By
Karl Ludwig Karl Ludwig Stolle,
+ 1
Stephan Stephan Schmidt

Active safety systems for powered two wheelers (PTWs) are considered a key pillar to further reduce the number of accidents and thus of injured riders and fatalities. Enhanced awareness for the current riding situation is required to improve the performance of current systems as well as to enable new ones; this includes the detection of the rider’s intention – the action that is planned by the rider for the short-term future. The prediction of a continuous trajectory for the upcoming seconds of the ride is one way to express rider intention. Our work pursues the prediction of the PTW lateral dynamic state by means of a roll angle trajectory over the upcoming 4 s of riding. It thus considers the special vehicle dynamics characteristics of single-track vehicles that negotiate bends at a roll angle compared to cars. A deep learning (DL) prediction model that is based on a Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) layer is optimized and trained for this task using a broad on-road riding dataset that focuses on the rural road environment. Inputs to the prediction model are PTW internal signals only, that are measurements of vehicle dynamics, rider inputs, and rider behavior. The latter two groups of signals are non-common for current series production PTWs and were especially added to our test bike before gathering the riding data set. The prediction performance of the optimized DL model is compared to a simple heuristic algorithm using multiple metrics in the roll angle and position trajectory domain. Evaluation on a representative test data set shows a significantly improved detection of rider intention by the DL model in all metrics. Reasonable lateral trajectory accuracy is achieved for at least 2 s of the total 4 s prediction horizon in 99 % of all test cases, given the chosen model architecture and input features. Furthermore, the feature importance of the especially added non-common measurement signals of steering and rider behavior is investigated in an ablation study. It reveals the importance of steering signals in the first second of the prediction horizon whereas the rider behavior signals aid trajectory prediction performance for up to 2.5 s.

03/06/2024| By
Karin Karin Høyland

This project examines the practices of six Norwegian municipalities, which in a va-riety of ways are trying to enable mentally disabled residents to build or buy their own homes. The survey has confirmed some previous findings: the financing model operat-ed by the Norwegian State Housing Bank makes it possible for many mentally disabled persons to purchase homes on the ordinary housing market. However, even though private developers are without exception friendly, this appears to be a complicated and resource-demanding process. The cases show how municipalities can enable better processes in different ways. Leaving home can be a major upheaval both for young mentally disabled people and their parents, entailing changes in the young person’s re-sponsibilities, personal economy, and sense of independence. The overall objective is achieving inclusivity. Some of the homes are quite ordinary and are located among other similar homes, but our findings indicate that to date, residents experience little or no positive interaction with their other neighbors. Natural meeting places and commu-nal areas dedicated to entire neighborhoods occur only rarely in new housing projects. If we are to meet the objectives of inclusivity and participation, we have to expand our focus and not only look at the homes but also at the neighborhood in which the resi-dents shall be included.

30/05/2024| By
Clemens Clemens Groß,
Steffen Steffen Müller

In the past years, cargo bicycles in different configurations have gained popularity for many use cases. Their configurations differ substantially. Single-track cargo bicycles and their kinematics are linked closely to conventional bicycles. The kinematics of inverted tricycles, so-called tadpole trikes, are different. In this work, we model the motion for such a tadpole tricycle with articulated steering in order to predict the kinematic potential of such a vehicle. A single-track model for vehicle kinematics is implemented and compared to a planar model that incorporates a term for the lean (or roll) angle. To do so, the connection between steering and lean angle is calculated by the help of wheel flop. This is validated by inversing the modelling process and optimizing the geometrical approach function with the help of naturalistic cycling studies. The tricycle used for this study is measured experimentally in order to find the parameters for the model. It is then equipped with measuring devices and we present our instrumented tadpole cargo tricycle. By the help of it, we validate the two presented kinematic models for the motion of the tadpole tricycle with real world measuring data for given driving scenarios. These models are impinged with data from our experimental driving maneuvers. It is shown that our derived kinematic models hold reasonably well against the measurements for short term predictions during driving scenarios below the limits of driving dynamics. For the performed test scenarios, we compare the experimentally measured trajectory with the simulated ones and quantify the error. It is shown that a planar model that incorporates lean performs minimally better compared to a single-track model. We discuss model limitations as well as potential inaccuracies caused by the used measuring devices on our instrumented cargo tricycle. With the help of the kinematic models, motion prediction of tadpole cargo tricycles can be undertaken. The range for which the implemented planar models are considered to be valid is depicted by the range of forward speeds until the liftoff condition. For motion prediction, a single-track model is considered feasible, as the more complicated planar model with lean does not substantially outperform it. For maneuvers at the limits of driving dynamics, more sophisticated dynamic models are needed, as the simple kinematic models presented in this work are not sufficient for this kind of tasks.

Version 3
Measuring vertical tyre stiffness of bicycle tyres
29/05/2024| By
Malte Malte Rothhämel

This contribution presents an analysis of the vertical tyre stiffness of 20” bicycle tyres as usually mounted on bicycle carriers for the transport of children. The current research contributes to the science on bicycle comfort with the focus on the next generation cyclists. Two different methods to measure vertical or radial tyre stiffness of bicycle tyres are presented – a dynamic approach on a dynamic press and a static approach. Parameters modified are tyre inflation pressure and vertical load in the static experiment. In the dynamic experiment additionally dynamic load and frequency are varied. The dynamic experiments are performed on two different tyres. The same tyres are also used for the static experiments and completed with a third tyre, which is a clincher version of the narrow foldable tyre. The tyres are made for 406mm rim diameter as usually for bicycle carriers since the comfort of children in bicycle transportation is the larger scope behind the experiments. The main findings are as follows: • The stiffness of the tyres is in a range of 31 N / mm to 147 N / mm. It must be considered that values below 50 N /mm are related to extremely low inflation pressure that probably do not work reliably because the rim will puncture the tube. • Tyre inflation pressure is the main factor that controls the vertical stiffness. • Type of tyre (balloon vs. narrow tyre) hardly affects the stiffness. • The dynamic stiffness at 1 Hz is slightly higher than the static stiffness. • With increasing excitation frequency the stiffness increases, however, this effect is non-linear and varies between 3.7% at high pressure in the narrow tyre and up to 20% at low pressure in the balloon tyre. • Similarly, there is a trend to higher stiffness with increasing vertical load in a magnitude of 20% increase.

14/05/2024| By
Marielle Marielle Aguilar,
+ 3
Rica Diane Rica Diane Evangelista

Delved into the coping strategies employed by Filipino adolescents residing in an orphanage shed light on their experiences and resilience. Despite the multitude of studies examining the conditions of adolescents in Philippine orphanages, there was a noticeable absence of qualitative research on their coping strategies. Therefore, the primary aim of this study was to provide a more comprehensive understanding of how orphaned Filipino adolescents coped with the challenges within the distinct environment of an orphanage. This study sought to fill the gap in existing literature by (1) Exploring the actual life experiences of orphaned Filipino adolescents who lived in an orphanage setting; (2) Exploring the coping strategies employed by orphaned Filipino adolescents residing in an orphanage; (3) Identifying the factors that influenced the development and utilization of coping strategies among these adolescents; and (4) Identifying how the orphaned Filipino adolescents perceived the outcomes of adapting their coping strategies. This academic paper conducted an in-depth interview process employing a semi-structured interview guide designed by the researcher. Utilizing thematic analysis, the study unveiled the different aspects of the participants implementing their adapted coping strategies.

13/05/2024| By
Takuro Takuro Sone,
+ 1
Tomoya Tomoya Kitani

In mobile environments where recording devices and subjects are in motion, integrating data collected from multiple devices requires precise location and time information. Given that high-precision satellite positioning technology provides centimeter-level accuracy and that movement speeds in mobile environments are around several 10 m/s, the required time accuracy is under 1 millisecond. However, achieving this time accuracy with commonly used devices is not typically feasible. This paper describes a basic architecture to realize time synchronization with less than one millisecond error with an independent recorder using high-precision timing pulses (1-PPS signal) output by a GNSS receiver. Next, we propose a method to precisely identify the image capture time using an optical beacon combining multiple point light sources called GNSS Clock Beacon (GCB). The time of image capture can be determined from GCB images with an accuracy less than or equal to the exposure duration. Finally, we describe an example implementation of a mobile recording system that can be mounted on a motorcycle, which can record time-synchronized data and video with high accuracy using multiple data loggers and video equipment.

Version 3
Systematic Literature Review: Motorcycle Simulators
13/05/2024| By
Dorothea Dorothea Wildner,
Frank Frank Diermeyer

An increasing number of researchers have started to focus on motorcyclists due to their increased risk of accidents, their vulnerability, and the limited possibilities to enhance their passive safety. An important tool hereby is the use of motorcycle simulators. They can be used to evaluate human-machine interfaces, design future advanced rider assistance systems like forward collision warnings, or determine an optimal ergonomic position to reduce mental loads and stress. However, compared to the automotive sector, only a few simulators exist, but they differ greatly. To the author's knowledge, no recent systematic overview of the existing motorcycle simulators exists. Therefore, this literature review provides an overview of the current state-of-the-art powered two-wheeler simulators based on 151 publications. The review describes 13 simulators in detail, including their prioritized research areas, conducted studies, strengths and limitations, development over the years, and validation. A tabular overview of the simulators can be found in the supplementary materials or requested.

08/05/2024| By
Ichiro Ichiro Kageyama

The purpose of this paper is to review research related to motorcycling conducted in postwar Japan, a country that was somewhat closed both linguistically and regionally. After World War II, many aeronautical engineers worldwide lost their jobs and moved on to other fields of study, especially in Japan, where aeronautical engineer jobs, including research, were banned and many aeronautical engineers shifted their research focus on transportation machinery, especially automotive engineering. Against this background, Japanese two-wheeled vehicles-related research has developed in its own unique way, while retaining a strong influence from aeronautical engineering. Because of the wide base of research on motorcycle kinematics, we first presented the literature for each study in the same line of research together. They are summarized in the following four areas: (1) Experimental studies dealing with motorcycle motion and problem extraction. (2) Research dealing with theoretical aspects such as the construction of equations of motion to solve experimental problems and to look at motion from the aspect of characteristics estimation. (3) Research on various human-related issues, such as human control behavior modeling, vibration characteristics of the human body, HMI, and so on. (4) Research on motorcycles as control objects and research focused on control systems. Although there are many studies that straddle these two categories, they were generally grouped into one or the other.