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The love of wisdom. Philosophers are lovers of all kinds of knowledge and are therefore interested in a variety of disciplines, an important question is "How do I even know?”. This is an open access and open peer review community. Join now, publish your philosophy and review others' work.

Version 1
Le problème corps-esprit relève-t-il d'un mystère?
16/10/2023| By
Jacob Jacob Hamel-Mottiez

La position mystérienne en philosophie de l’esprit est minoritaire. Notamment défendue par Noam Chomsky et Colin McGinn, ces derniers prétendent que nos capacités cognitives et conceptuelles sont insuffisantes afin d’offrir une réponse satisfaisante à la question suivante : comment de notre cerveau peut émerger la conscience ? En présentant la généalogie partielle du problème corps-esprit que dresse Chomsky, nous nous intéresserons à l’argument central de McGinn prétendant que nous avons de bonnes raisons de croire que nous n’éluciderons jamais le problème de la conscience. L’objectif sera de considérer son argument d’un point de vue critique afin de déterminer s’il est concluant.

Version 1
05/09/2023| By
alexis alexis karpouzos

The central teaching of mysticism is that Everything is One, whereas from the side of rationalism the universe is Multiple. The essence of the mystical tradition is not a particular philosophical system, but the simple realization that the soul of any individual/existence is identified with the Absolute. A special feature of the mysticism is the elimination of discriminations, i.e. the One and the Multiple are identical.On the other hand, in rationalism the One and the Multiple differ substantially. Mysticism aims at the Emptiness of Zero, whereas rationalism aims at the identification with the Infinite of Everything. Based on the ontology resulting from modern physics the One is also the Multiple and the Multiplicity is also a Module, also the Void and the Everything are complementary aspects of a single and indivisible reality. This means that mysticism and rationalism are the two sides of a Cosmic Thought, which isexpressed through consciousness. We could say that this consciousness is the rhythm that coordinates any opposite.

10/03/2023| By
samson samson odhiambo otieno

This paper analyzes family dynamics and conflicts in August Wilson’s play, Fences. Family dynamics refer to the patterns that guide how family members interact with each other. They are usually defined by the way family members communicate and relate with each other, their roles within the family and how they manage conflicts in the family. Family dynamics model the behaviors of the family members. On the other hand, conflicts refer to the disagreements or arguments that usually go on for a long time. Therefore, family conflicts are the arguments or disagreements that take place in a family. All families are bound to experience family dynamics and conflicts and because of this, August Wilson wrote Fences to explain these conflicts and dynamics through a literary lens and how they affect real-life familial bonds. Fences is a play written by August Wilson on a set-up portraying the blooming black rights movements between 1954 and 1968. Fences was written in 1985, but it depicted the 1950s lifestyle. The play has black characters who show how limited opportunities were to the people of color and how oppression against the blacks was the major problem in the United States of America during these times. Guided by postcolonial theory, Wilson has used the play Fences to bring to light various themes like racism, manhood and masculinity, marriage and faithfulness, and practicality and idealism through his characters and their various life experiences. The play consists of two generations that contradict each other's beliefs, and they are all unified by one factor: racism and black man oppression. Major characters like Troy Maxson illustrate oppression and its impact on the black family. They portray life in the black neighborhood during the Black Urban Realism literary period, between 1954 and 1968. There are conflicts in the Maxson family which show family dynamics in that home. Wilson has used the fence throughout his play as a symbol that represents the imaginary barriers that the main characters, Troy’s family members, build to keep themselves safe. The fences throughout the play show the conflicting desires of Troy Maxson’s family members and the dynamics between them. Therefore, an examination of Wilson’s Fences through Troy’s family relationships will illustrate the reasons for the conflicts and differences. This study will help the writer explain how August Wilson has used the family unit to explore broader themes of race, class and gender and to identify the underlying factors that shape family dynamics and perpetuate or resolve conflicts within the Maxson family through a qualitative analysis of the dialogue in Fences.

01/03/2023| By
Putu Bayu Wikranta Kusuma Putu Bayu Wikranta Kusuma Jaya

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat kesesuaian model-model semiotika dalam upaya menganalisis objek musik. Berdasarkan model semiotika tokoh-tokoh terkait, musik sebagai objek analisis tidak dapat kompatibel dengan model yang dihadirkan oleh Peirce dan Barthes, utamanya dalam ketentuan bagian objek. Dalam model Saussure, ketentuan akan objek adalah referensi di luar model, dan musik sebagai objek analisis tetap dapat dijelaskan dalam definisi signifier berupa suara, dan signified yang menghadirkan konsep. Konsep ini kemudian merujuk pada sistem bahasa dan realitas material yang hadir berdasarkan subjektivitas yang dikehendaki ketika mendengarkan musik.

Version 1
La Comisión de la Verdad Resultados en Puerto Lopez Meta
11/11/2022| By
Blanca Rocio Blanca Rocio Suarez Bernal

The town of Puerto Lopez in Meta Department in Colombia has not been hidden from the army conflict in this country, but their inhabitants were not so affected by because with their return also they returned to their customs and origins. In the pedagogical practice about the Commission of the Truth, the students know the consequences of the conflict that included displacement of people. Among them also are students from the IE Enrique Olaya Herrera where the practice is developed. Though the institution has very few people that are victims of the army conflict, through a survey there is a detection of the influence of armed groups in the population and the necessity of answers from the Commission of the Truth.

21/10/2022| By
Carina Carina Fernández Lisso

La metafísica de Macedonio Fernández pone en la sensibilidad la instancia fundadora del valor y contenido de los conceptos. Bajo esta postulación, el pensamiento es conducido hacia una disolución de la estructura de la representación moderna del mundo para crear y contraponer otras formas de concebir realidad e irrealidad. El presente trabajo es un análisis crítico y una interpretación de esta teoría. Despejamos en primer lugar el proyecto y las perspectivas que dan el marco de definiciones y decisiones teóricas para abordar luego la concepción y descripción del fenomenismo de la existencia que hace el autor. Buscamos comprender la compleja sintaxis de ideas que presenta la tesis teniendo en cuenta tanto las continuidades como las transformaciones y rupturas que los textos manifiestan. De nuestro análisis resulta que “la afección” –que para Macedonio es el aspecto principal del ser– debe ser entendida como un fenómeno de carácter pre-individual cuya experiencia acontece de modo diferente que la “realidad”. Sostenemos que esta idea ofrece una clave de articulación para las diferentes modificaciones que Macedonio atribuye al fenómeno, a la vez que logra explicitar el papel preponderante que juega la imaginación irrealista (del ensueño, el personaje y el humor) en sus teorías metafísica y estética.

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