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12/12/2023| By
Hakan Hakan Lane

Purpose: The nutrition industry is characterized by a high impact on human-made climate change, accounting for as much as 25-30 % of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions. Deploying eco-labeling to increase people's awareness about the pollution caused by their dietary choices is being introduced in various contexts to promote more sustainable consumption. Design: This experiment aimed to explore the effectiveness of different eco-labeling approaches and quantify the expected effect on consumer behavior. 144 participants was randomly assigned to four groups: a) no label, b) climate-friendly icon for low-emitting choices, c) the CO2 equivalent emissions per meal for all items, and d) a combination icon and numbers. Findings: This survey showed a 9 % reduction in average CO2 equivalent per meal with the certificate alone, 4 % with label and number, but no reduction in the group using only the CO emissions number. Female gender and green attitudes were associated with making a green dietary choice, and the graphical approach was more effective than providing the report as a pure number. Originality: Our results are unique in the sense of comparing impact of the type of labeling realm with an existing commercial label and matching to personal traits with causal modeling.

09/12/2023| By
Serhii Serhii Yaremko

In 2016, the team of mathematicians with the help of powerful computers and advanced methods of research discovered that the emotional arcs of stories are dominated by six basic plot shapes – and it is interesting that under these circumstances more simple stories (which are often preferred by authors) are not to be so popular among readers. The aim of the current manuscript is to explain such paradox with the help of Analogy method doubled by using Chaos theory.

07/12/2023| By
femi femi adams

This paper explores the use of autobiographical and autoethnographic approaches in understanding and analysing individuals’ lived experiences within psychoanalytic or psychotherapeutic frameworks. Autobiographical and auto ethnographic methods involve the researcher or therapist engaging in self-reflection and self-analysis to gain insights into their own experiences, which can then inform their understanding of clients’ narratives and therapeutic processes. By drawing on personal stories, these approaches aim to bridge the gap between subjective experiences and theoretical frameworks, offering a unique lens through which to explore the complexities of human psychology and therapeutic relationship. The theoretical foundations and practical applications of autobiographical and autoethnographic approaches in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy is highlighted alongside the significance of personal narratives as a source of knowledge and insight, emphasising the importance of reflexivity and self-analysis in therapeutic process. Drawing on existing literature, the potential benefits and challenges associated with using autobiographical and autoethnographic methods including ethical considerations, countertransference and the balance between personal and professional boundaries is elucidated. Furthermore, case studies illustrating the ways in which autobiographical and autoethnographic approaches have been employed in psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic settings are highlighted. These examples demonstrate how personal narratives can enhance clinicians’ understanding of experiences, facilitate empathy and rapport, and contribute to the overall therapeutic process. Potential limitations and areas for further exploration in utilising these approaches, such as potential biases and the need for ongoing self-reflection and supervision is explored. This paper seeks to contribute to the growing body of literature on narrative approaches within psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

06/12/2023| By
Mykyta Mykyta Prud

The protein kinase family is considered to be a promising target for Drug Discovery, as it plays a key role in controlling signal transduction in the cell. Abnormally elevated expression levels and mutations of protein kinase genes lead to disruptions in the cell signaling network, which is associated with pathological conditions such as inflammation and cancer.

05/12/2023| By
Odalys Anael Odalys Anael Ledesma Sánchez,
+ 2
Carlos Alejandro Zuloaga Zambrano Carlos Alejandro Zuloaga Zambrano Zuloaga Zambrano

El presente trabajo de investigación bibliográfica examinó el incumplimiento de las normas de bioseguridad por parte del personal de enfermería en el Hospital Básico El Triunfo durante el primer semestre de 2021. Después de la revisión de 6 documentos, se determinó que el 83,33% de los estudios identificó insuficiencias en el seguimiento de estas regulaciones. En específico, un 33,33% de los casos estudiados destacaron la existencia de desafíos en la salud mental de los enfermeros, lo cual está relacionado con el estrés continuo y la presión agravada por la pandemia de COVID-19. Este efecto en la salud mental tiene el potencial de ejercer un impacto negativo en la calidad de la atención. En un 50% de los casos, se señaló un incumplimiento de las normas de bioseguridad en relación con los medicamentos, ya sea debido al uso inapropiado de los fármacos o a problemas en el proceso de dispensación. Estas deficiencias pueden influir en la eficacia de los tratamientos y aumentar la mortalidad, incluyendo el riesgo de enfermedades como la tuberculosis. Sin embargo, el 16,67% de los estudios mostraron una retroalimentación positiva por parte de los pacientes en el sector de atención obstétrica, lo que sugiere que al menos en esta área, se están cumpliendo las normas de bioseguridad y proporcionando atención de calidad. Estos hallazgos resaltan la urgencia de fortalecer la formación y supervisión del personal de enfermería en cuestiones de bioseguridad, así como de abordar la salud mental de los profesionales para mantener una atención de alta calidad. También es esencial asegurar el estricto cumplimiento de las normas de bioseguridad con relación a medicamentos para mejorar la efectividad del tratamiento y reducir el riesgo de propagación de enfermedades.

04/12/2023| By
Trevor Trevor Mtsekwe

This paper seeks to analyze the impact of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) clubs, on performance of secondary school students. The study focuses on Mwanza Secondary School. The study will look at the experiences, challenges and success stories of the school. The year 2018 saw the introduction of STI Clubs in most secondary schools of Malawi including Mwanza Secondary School. These clubs were spear headed by Dr. Chomora Mikeka who is currently the Director of the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation. The Department now works with the Department of Innovation and creativity in the office of the president and cabinet, which was established in November 2020 by His Excellency, Dr. Lazarous MCathy Chakwera, The President of the Republic of Malawi. Through these initiatives, Mwanza secondary school’s performance, especially in science subjects improved and more students are currently being selected to public universities. The club helps equip all science students with the necessary skills and knowledge to solve various problems in their community through innovation and creativity. These innovations are fostering the achievement of the pillars of Malawi 2063 and the Malawi Recovery Plan. Since 2018, the club has participated in four National School Sciences Fair hosted by Kamuzu Academy. Currently, on October 2023, Mwanza secondary school registered one of its innovations, “Antifungal lotion”, with the Innovation and Engineering Hub of the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST-MIIRI).

Version 1
Orvium Education
Introduction to research: Mastering the basics
01/12/2023| By
Mohammad Mohammad Toyon

This paper provides an in-depth introduction to research methods and discusses numerous aspects related to the research process. It begins with an overview of research—what it is, why it is important, what forms it might take, and what its fundamental components are—before shifting its attention to the design of research and the benefits and drawbacks of various approaches. In addition, the article details the purpose of and procedures for a literature review. Data collection, its varieties, technique selection, validity, and reliability are then addressed. Ethics in research and guidelines for research are also discussed, along with the various types of data analysis, and how results should be obtained. In addition, the paper covers topics such as reference and citation management. This paper takes a narrative approach to summarising the scholarly resources useful for introductory-level coursework in research method. Both research and writing are never-ending processes, with endless opportunities for improvement. However, the compilation of essential academic resources might help university students, researchers and research method instructors.

Version 1
Best practices in machine learning for chemistry. Article review
01/12/2023| By
Mykyta Mykyta Prud

Before we can dive into statistical learning, we must first create a solid foundation. The article "Best practices in Machine Learning in Chemistry" presents a collection of best practice standards and a matching checklist that can be used as a compass for navigating the challenging field of chemical machine learning. The researchers' goal was to maximize the validity and reproducibility of the conclusions and models derived from these best practices.

30/11/2023| By
Mykyta Mykyta Prud

The amount of work done by humans was greatly decreased by the Industrial Revolution and the related mechanization. To lessen workloads in a manner like to that of the Industrial Revolution, numerous researchers are attempting to incorporate Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) into various intellectual job processes.

30/11/2023| By
Gabriela Gabriela Martínez

La pandemia ha llevado a un aumento significativo del trabajo remoto, transformando la forma en que las personas trabajan. Esta investigación explora la influencia de los espacios arquitectónicos en el trabajo desde casa, centrándose en iluminación, texturas, colores y dimensiones. La iluminación, natural o artificial, afecta el estado de ánimo y la productividad. Las texturas, como alfombras y muebles, influyen en la comodidad y el bienestar. Los colores impactan en las emociones y niveles de energía, mientras que las dimensiones del espacio afectan la sensación de amplitud y comodidad. La investigación busca proporcionar información para crear entornos de trabajo remoto productivos y saludables, destacando la importancia de equilibrar confort y eficiencia laboral.

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