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Welcome to our esteemed academic community dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, excellence in teaching, and the advancement of educational practices. Our community serves as a hub for professionals, researchers, and practitioners in the field of education, pedagogy, and didactics. Whether you are a seasoned academic, a passionate educator, or an aspiring researcher, our community offers a myriad of opportunities for intellectual growth, professional development, and meaningful engagement. Engage in thoughtful discussions, participate in workshops and seminars, and contribute to ongoing research projects. Through our collective efforts, we aim to shape the future of education and inspire transformative teaching practices. By joining our community, you gain access to a vast network of like-minded individuals who share a common vision of enhancing the educational landscape. Connect with experts in your field, collaborate on interdisciplinary projects, and forge lifelong friendships with fellow educators who are equally passionate about making a positive impact in the realm of teaching and learning.

31/01/2024| By
Marcelo Marcelo Storoszczuk Durán

This academic paper explores the pivotal role of comprehensive sex education (CSE) in fostering holistic development and well-being among individuals. The study delves into the multifaceted benefits of CSE, addressing not only reproductive health but also encompassing broader aspects of human relationships, communication, and personal empowerment. Moreover, the paper introduces a pragmatic system for the effective implementation of CSE programs, accompanied by a thorough evaluation of Return on Investment (ROI). By combining theoretical insights with a practical framework, this research aims to contribute to the enhancement of educational strategies that promote informed decision-making and healthy lifestyles.

15/01/2024| By
Venecia Venecia Tejada Reyes,
Maribel Maribel Almonte Tejeda

La investigación tendrá como principal objetivo analizar la integración de las TIC en la enseñanza de la Lengua y Literatura en el Nivel Secundario del Liceo Alejandro Gomera, República Dominicana. Se tratará de un estudio con enfoque mixto, de tipo descriptivo de corte trasversal, formativo, con un diseño no experimental. La muestra estará constituida por 3 docentes de lengua y literatura y 176 estudiantes de 3ero, 4to y 5to del nivel secundario que cursan la asignatura, para la recolección de datos, se utilizará la observación directa de las clases virtuales durante un semestre y dos cuestionarios diseñados en Google Forms, uno para las docentes conformado por 64 preguntas, y el de los estudiantes por 45 preguntas. Con la integración de las TIC en la planificación de la asignatura se espera lograr fomentar el incremento del nivel de capacitación y formación tecnológica en el uso y manejo de las TIC en los docentes de para que tengan un mejor manejo de la tecnología y se motiven a mantenerse a la vanguardia tecnológica en este mundo cambiante, y de esta forma se sientan en la necesidad de incorporar y trabajar de manera constante con una serie de estrategias y recursos tecnológicos con la intención de incidir positivamente en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Así mismo al lograr enumerar y determinar correctamente las barreras que impiden que los alumnos puedan incorporar y manejar las TIC se podrán vislumbrar una serie de opciones pedagógicas y didácticas para lograr un efectivo uso de estas y así obtener el mayor provecho en sus aprendizajes y su vida diaria, ya que estas le permitirán conocer y familiarizarse con todo el abanico de opciones que les brinda la tecnología y a su vez ayudarlos a trabajar con ellas para obtener el mejor resultado.

08/01/2024| By
Sonia Juliana Sonia Juliana Pérez-Pérez

El mundo globalizado se caracteriza por el auge de nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, las cuales han cambiado la forma en que vivimos. La educación, como eje transversal de la vida humana, necesita actualizarse constantemente en virtud de las nuevas estrategias, materiales, recursos y desarrollos derivados de tales cambios. En este contexto, surgen propuestas que potencian la calidad de los procesos académico a partir de metodologías activas variadas, donde la relación entre el estudiante y el docente así como la relación entre el estudiante y el conocimiento cambian, mediadas ahora por nuevos paradigmas epistemológicos en virtud de las nuevas pedagogías emergentes en el contexto de los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje.

05/01/2024| By
Marcelo Marcelo Storoszczuk Durán

Este artículo examina el panorama actual de la educación, centrándose en tres aspectos clave: la modernización académica, la reforma educativa y la orientación vocacional. En un contexto global de rápidos avances tecnológicos y cambios socioeconómicos, las instituciones educativas se enfrentan al desafío de adaptarse para preparar a los estudiantes de manera efectiva para el mundo moderno. La modernización académica aborda la necesidad de integrar tecnologías emergentes, metodologías educativas innovadoras y enfoques centrados en el estudiante. Se exploran estrategias para aprovechar la inteligencia artificial, la realidad virtual y otras herramientas digitales con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza y fomentar el desarrollo de habilidades relevantes para el siglo XXI. La reforma educativa se aborda desde una perspectiva sistémica, considerando cambios en los currículos, evaluaciones y políticas educativas. Se analizan iniciativas gubernamentales y colaboraciones entre diferentes actores del sistema educativo para promover la equidad, la inclusión y la excelencia académica. Finalmente, la orientación vocacional emerge como un componente fundamental en este contexto, buscando alinear los intereses y habilidades de los estudiantes con las demandas del mercado laboral. Se examinan programas y enfoques efectivos para brindar orientación vocacional desde etapas tempranas de la educación, permitiendo a los estudiantes tomar decisiones informadas sobre su futuro profesional. A través de un enfoque integral, este artículo aboga por un cambio holístico en la educación para preparar a los individuos no solo con conocimientos académicos, sino también con habilidades prácticas y una comprensión profunda de sus opciones vocacionales en un mundo en constante evolución.

Version 1
Orvium Education
Educar en la Era Digital
21/12/2023| By
Marcelo Marcelo Storoszczuk Durán

En su obra "Educar en la Era Digital", el educador y asesor educativo uruguayo Marcelo Storoszczuk Durán nos sumerge en un fascinante viaje hacia el futuro de la enseñanza. Se analiza con agudeza la transformación radical que la tecnología ha impuesto en el panorama educativo. Explora cómo la era digital ha alterado los métodos tradicionales, desafiando la estructura misma de las aulas. A través de una cuidadosa investigación y experiencia personal, Storoszczuk aborda los desafíos y oportunidades que la tecnología presenta en la educación. Examina cómo la inteligencia artificial, la realidad virtual y otras innovaciones han redefinido el aprendizaje, desdibujando las fronteras entre el aula y el ciberespacio. El autor destaca la importancia de cultivar habilidades como el pensamiento crítico, la adaptabilidad y la alfabetización digital para preparar a las nuevas generaciones. El libro también aborda temas candentes como la brecha digital y la equidad educativa, planteando preguntas cruciales sobre cómo garantizar que todos los estudiantes tengan acceso igualitario a las herramientas digitales. Storoszczuk propone soluciones prácticas y políticas para abordar estas disparidades, subrayando la urgencia de una educación inclusiva y accesible para todos. A medida que el autor desentraña las complejidades de la educación en la era digital, ofrece estrategias innovadoras para que educadores y padres guíen a los estudiantes en un mundo cada vez más conectado. Destaca la importancia de fomentar la creatividad, el trabajo en equipo y la resiliencia en un entorno digital en constante evolución. Con un enfoque y lenguaje accesible, Storoszczuk desafía a los lectores a repensar el propósito fundamental de la educación y a abrazar las posibilidades transformadoras que la tecnología puede ofrecer. "Educar en la Era Digital" es una obra imprescindible para aquellos que buscan comprender y moldear el futuro de la enseñanza en un mundo cada vez más digitalizado. Dirigido tanto a docentes como a entusiastas de la educación.

Version 1
Orvium Education
Introduction to research: Mastering the basics
01/12/2023| By
Mohammad Mohammad Toyon

This paper provides an in-depth introduction to research methods and discusses numerous aspects related to the research process. It begins with an overview of research—what it is, why it is important, what forms it might take, and what its fundamental components are—before shifting its attention to the design of research and the benefits and drawbacks of various approaches. In addition, the article details the purpose of and procedures for a literature review. Data collection, its varieties, technique selection, validity, and reliability are then addressed. Ethics in research and guidelines for research are also discussed, along with the various types of data analysis, and how results should be obtained. In addition, the paper covers topics such as reference and citation management. This paper takes a narrative approach to summarising the scholarly resources useful for introductory-level coursework in research method. Both research and writing are never-ending processes, with endless opportunities for improvement. However, the compilation of essential academic resources might help university students, researchers and research method instructors.

16/10/2023| By
Nicole Nicole Lewis,
+ 1
Aletia Aletia Chisin

The acquisition of soft skills among young children is of paramount importance, as these skills are highly valued in today's workplace. Research indicates that the ages of four-to-five are an ideal margin for soft skill acquisition in young children, taking advantage of children's receptiveness to new experiences. In this context, an exploratory study was conducted using Engeström's third-generation Cultural Historical Activity Theory model as a theoretical basis and incorporating a methodological framework of Collins and Brown's Design-Based Research. A co-creative process was used to ideate a blueprint for a mobile application that would develop creative thinking, communication, and social media literacy among young children within the local context of the Western Cape. Through this process, two new design principles were uncovered, alongside further principles and guidelines, to support the development of mobile applications for young children targeting soft skills development in a localized manner, with a focus on structured design principles governed by co-creation and literature reviews to support informal educative learning. In conclusion, this exploratory study provides a blueprint for addressing gaps in the literature and serves as a helpful guide for educators and developers looking to instill soft skills among young children through the use of mobile technology.

27/08/2023| By

This study used the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to predict students' acceptance of Learning Management Systems (LMS) through Behavioural Intention in the English Department of Ibn Zohr University. A quantitative approach with a cross-sectional survey design was adopted. Convenience sampling as a non-probability sampling technique was used. Data were collected from 126 respondents through a questionnaire developed. The structural model developed was based on previous works into TAM and included Social Influence (SI), computer self-efficacy (CSE), Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PEU), Attitude (ATT), and Behavioural Intention (BI). The proposed model was tested and evaluated using the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) data analysis technique. There were eight supported hypotheses. Albeit, there were six rejected hypotheses. SI had a significant strong effect on both PU and ATT. PEU had a significant strong effect on PU. CSE had a significant strong effect on both PEU and BI. PU had a significant strong effect on both ATT and BI. Nonetheless, SI had an insignificant effect on both BI and PEU. CSE had an insignificant negative effect on PU and an insignificant effect on ATT. PEU had an insignificant negative effect on BI and an insignificant effect on ATT. Of all the proposed variables, ATT had the greatest effect on BI. This study discovered that the resulting model was able to predict and explain BI amongst students at Ibn Zohr University. Furthermore, the model showed an ability to explain 66.2% of the variance in BI, 44.2% in PU, 59.9% in PEU, and 63.5% in ATT. These findings have important implications for developing and improving LMS that can be accepted by students. The findings of this study are pertinent to the higher education management administrations, LMS developers, researchers, and stakeholders for improving and promoting the use of Learning Management Systems amongst university students.

19/08/2023| By
Carlos Carlos Saladen

As a strong pedagogical movement worldwide seeks to introduce Arts-based pedagogy, Arts-based research, and Arts-integration in all areas of knowledge in order to do away with the divide between art/science and art/education, this paper contemplates whether it is possible to think of innovation in education from inefficient, non-transferable, or even unsustainable processes. We look at these methods as part of an exploration that seeks to shine a light on whether Arts-based approaches in education can generate processes that lead to pedagogical and academic innovation.

29/07/2023| By
Nirosh Nirosh Rajapakse

About 4.5 million schoolchildren in Sri Lanka receive free school uniforms from the government at the beginning of each school year. A set of uniforms is provided free of charge to all students on the island from first to thirteenth grade dividing into three groups; Junior (grade 1-5), Intermediate (grade 6-9), and Senior (grades 10-13). These uniforms are in different sizes for both sexes, therefore this project being implemented annually by the government. The data related to the current program for this study was obtained primarily through the Ministry of Education, Department of census and statistics – Sri Lanka, as well as mass media. The information related to the proposed methodology was developed based on the primary data obtained through garment factories. Also, in order to further confirm the data of the proposed method, some uniforms were taken, the necessary specification sheets, pattern boards, and mini markers were created manually and calculated. The statistics of students obtained from the year 2017, this research was finally conducted in the year 2020. It was found that many socio-economic problems and political challenges have been created nationwide due to the present practice. These problems include the waste of resources, the difficulties for some parents in making ready-made uniforms from fabric, and political commitments that worsen the situation (such as giving out two free uniforms instead of one). Based on the present study's results, it is clear that the current approach for ensuring that all fabrics are distributed fairly is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and expensive. But if uniforms were mass-produced in factories, they would be more efficient and costeffective, resulting in greater societal benefits. Among the social and economic benefits that can be experienced through the approach that refers to are reducing fabric waste, generating new job opportunities, saving foreign exchange in the country, and strengthening the local currency versus foreign currencies. Instead of providing uniform fabric, the amount of fabric that can be saved by producing in factories and providing only one set of uniforms to all the students on the island exceeds 35 lakh (3,500,000) meters. It is 1,177,000 meters of fabric for shirts, 1,580,000 meters for gowns, 360,000 meters for shorts and 395,000 for trousers for all three categories in mass production of uniforms, the actual benefits are two to three times more than the benefits of one set of uniforms because the output is not limited to one set of uniforms, and the entire market demand can be targeted for production. In conclusion, the results indicate that the government might save money by providing students with sewn school uniforms rather than the uniform cloth currently offered. Apart from the obvious benefits of giving students pre-made uniforms rather than having them sew their own, the recommended approach can generate economic growth, improve the nation's financial standing, and benefit the public.

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Marcelo Storoszczuk Durán Orvium Education; Educet Organization; Grupo Londres
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Gabrielle Atkinson Grey University of Leicester
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