Businesses need to integrate workforce training, employee health, and leadership development into a single cohesive strategy in order to be sustainable. With the evolution of business and competition, leadership and retention of people has become much more important. This study helps fill the gap in planning for succession, employee mental health, performance management, and overall resilience of the organization. Using a mixed-methods approach this study relies on particular theories like Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory along with the McKinsey 7-S Framework, which offers solid analytical underpinning, qualitative literature reviews were conducted together with quantitative data from 120 survey responses collected from various sectors in UAE, reflecting on the results, these components should have a strategic coherance to be retained for further growth. Other orders were successfully completed as well. Advanced succession planning has the potential to greatly increase employee engagement, enhance leadership effectiveness, and provide organizational resilience during periods of transformation. These are some of its practical outcomes, but there are others like succession planning being closely aligned to organization's leadership training and promotion strategies and the general organizational culture. These are the gaps for other researchers, but there are numerous ways HR managers can create effective risk plans using managed talent to achieve the objectives of the organization. Effective succession planning, as Ali et al. (2019) argue, has been shown to enhance both leadership functionality and employee motivation.
This thesis evaluates the impact of innovation on the sustainability of electric vehicles (EVs) in the transportation industry. It does this by analyzing the de-velopment of new electric vehicle (EV) batteries, the improvement in charging stations, the aesthetics of cars, the construction of smart grids, and the effects of consumers and the production processes of EVs. This research utilizes a quantitative method based on a survey that was conducted with participants working in the EV manufacturing industry of the UAE. It has been found that the use of technological handicrafts makes a considerable contribution to the improvement of EV sustainability through greater energy efficiency, reduction of damaging impacts to the environment, and with the range of consumer issues in terms of range or charging skepticism. Furthermore, as the critical adopting, the emerging innovations, and the policy emersion that needs to be controlled, pub-lic-private partnerships appear to be essential. The study makes practical rec-ommendations to government and business leaders and underlines the im-portance of putting more focus on financing activities such as R&D, promoting infrastructure, building awareness among consumers about electric vehicles, and strengthening global sustainability objectives. These results highlight the im-portance of the interdependence of technology, policy, business, and other social factors on the development of sustainable transportation.
El artículo "Mantaraya BF: El compuesto que cambia las reglas del juego en el mundo de las sustancias recreativas", escrito por Brahian Steveen Fierro Suarez, explora la conceptualización de una droga psicoactiva innovadora diseñada específicamente para fines recreativos. Mantaraya BF combina compuestos de alta potencia, como oximorfona, metilfenidato, zolpidem, 2C-B, selegilina y CBD, con el objetivo de ofrecer una experiencia multifacética que integra alivio del dolor, estimulación cognitiva, relajación y efectos sensoriales intensificados. El artículo detalla las propiedades químicas y farmacológicas de esta mezcla teórica, así como sus posibles aplicaciones recreativas y terapéuticas, destacando la necesidad de control y regulación estrictos debido a los riesgos potenciales, como la adicción y las interacciones adversas. Asimismo, reflexiona sobre los desafíos éticos y legales de desarrollar sustancias de este tipo, subrayando su impacto potencial en la sociedad y la salud pública. Mantaraya BF se presenta como una innovación conceptual que desafía los límites tradicionales de la farmacología recreativa.
En un mundo caracterizado por cambios vertiginosos y una creciente presión social y tecnológica, el libro "Salud Mental en la Educación Moderna" emerge como una guía integral para abordar los desafíos de la salud mental en el ámbito educativo. Marcelo Storoszczuk Durán ofrece un análisis profundo y multidisciplinario que combina investigación, experiencia docente y estrategias prácticas. Esta obra se centra en las estrategias educativas inclusivas y sostenibles, empoderando al personal educativo, y fomentando la resiliencia, la diversidad y el bienestar psicológico en las aulas. Ademas, se logran combatir los estigmas y mitos sobre la salud mental, en consonancia con la educación en el siglo XXI. Dirigido a educadores, padres, profesionales, y cualquier ávido lector, este libro se convierte en un recurso esencial para construir ambientes educativos saludables e inclusivos, que promuevan el desarrollo integral de estudiantes y docentes, así como de la sociedad en su conjunto.
Este articulo busca analizar la complejidad de brindar educación en situaciones adversas, contextos críticos, y traumas. Integrando aspectos de la psicología, la sociología, y la pedagogía, se estudian las consecuencias e implicaciones a corto, medio y largo plazo para los individuos y comunidades afectadas, incluyendo traumas, secuelas, y migración extrema. Después, se busca comprender las estrategias utilizadas para la educación en entornos críticos, entendiendo el rol de los gobiernos, las organizaciones no gubernamentales, y la comunidad educativa internacional al abordar las necesidades de los grupos azotados por emergencia. Finalmente, se discuten estrategias innovadoras que involucren nuevas tecnologías y políticas enfocadas en la resiliencia, con el objetivo de informar y guiar a la formulación e implementación de prácticas efectivas en este ámbito crítico.
El estudiante a distancia a menudo forma parte de contextos paralelos desde los cuales se vincula asumiendo diferentes roles como el estudiantil, parental y laboral. En este trabajo se discuten las complejas características de estos tres roles y las implicaciones que conlleva la simultaneidad de los mismos en los estudiantes unadistas desde el punto de vista del enfoque sistémico, abordando los fundamentos para la creación de escenarios de reflexión y apoyo con base en las competencias socioemocionales. Se presenta un diagnóstico inicial mediante una encuesta tipo Likert aplicada a 191 estudiantes de forma virtual, y entrevistas semiestructuradas desarrolladas con 10 estudiantes de forma presencial, todos ellos pertenecientes al CEAD JAG. Se obtuvo información que evidencia las percepciones y opiniones de quienes no tienen hijos, en tanto se considera importante tenerlos en cuenta como parte de la comunidad y como seres humanos cuyo proyecto de vida también puede incluir el tema familiar. Se alcanzaron hallazgos en la descripción del perfil del estudiante unadista que es padre, desde sus competencias socioemocionales y necesidades. Se describen, analizan y evalúan dos eventos de sensibilización y acompañamiento para la promoción del bienestar personal y familiar, llevados a cabo en el mismo CEAD con la participación de únicamente estudiantes en el primer evento, y estudiantes junto con sus familias en el segundo. Ambos encontraron gran receptividad y pertinencia entre los estudiantes unadistas con roles parentales, también entre los docentes asistentes; se plantea la continuidad de esta iniciativa para que se constituya en proyecto de investigación aplicada a largo plazo con la población objetivo descrita. Así pues, se recopilan los fundamentos teóricos sobre el tema articulando una comprensión de la realidad que viven los estudiantes que son padres y los soportes para un acompañamiento efectivo, con la descripción y análisis de las experiencias hasta ahora desarrolladas en la UNAD que sirven de para diagnosticar y perfilar un programa de intervención y seguimiento.
Este capítulo aborda la formación de estudiantes investigadores en las áreas de diseño y artes aplicadas, resaltando su importancia para ampliar las fronteras del conocimiento y consolidar una cultura investigativa en la educación superior. Se analizan los desafíos históricos y teóricos que enfrenta la integración de la investigación en estos campos, incluyendo la superación de imaginarios colectivos desfavorables que perciben la investigación como exclusiva de disciplinas científicas tradicionales. Asimismo, se enfatiza la necesidad de cerrar la brecha entre la teoría y la práctica, promoviendo un enfoque pedagógico que fomente competencias creativas, pensamiento crítico y procesos investigativos significativos. Finalmente, se propone la lúdica como una estrategia didáctica para transformar la enseñanza de la metodología y motivar a los estudiantes en el aula. El artículo invita a los docentes a reflexionar sobre su rol como facilitadores de aprendizajes que articulen investigación y práctica profesional en contextos dinámicos y cambiantes.
AUTHOR: Dr JOSE ARREOLA THE FOUNDING FATHER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THEME: RELATIVE COMPARISON FREE MARKET INTERNATIONAL EVEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: On the proper and justified utilization of money issuance and supply for public spending. CATEGORY: On the effect of information on human comportment and expected conduct PURPOSE: To overcome biased, flawed Bottleneck Economy understood to provide the most efficient economy development outcomes. Location of Issuance, On his temporary residence in Los Angeles, California, USA: RELATIVE COMPARISON FREE MARKET INTERNATIONAL EVEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: On the proper and justified utilization of money issuance and supply for public spending. How to overcome biased, flawed Bottleneck Economy understood to provide the most efficient economy development outcomes? Jose Arreola Founding Father of The United States of America President of The United States of America under the neural net Member of Congress of The United States of America under the Neural Net, House of Representatives, State of California (Appointment since 6th of February, 2024) Member of Senate of The United States of America, State of North Carolina (Appointment in Office since 2nd of November, 2022) Doctor of Philosophy, Dr Freedom Honor,US Government, Official Medal of Honor, US Army Cross of Honor For Military Service Abroad, US Army Leader of the Movement of Neural Independence of the United States of America from Foreign Influence Leader of the Movement of National Restoration of The United States of America Official Dismantler of the neural mind net of the US and the World "The quest of our nation is to protect freedom and other rights and liberties that have led us to be what we are, a beacon of hope to the world in times of despair, of discord and of global predatory self-deserving, and to care for the common good when relative interest of supremacy claim go egocentric" Founding Father of the United States of America Dr Jose Arreola
AUTHOR: Dr JOSE ARREOLA THE FOUNDING FATHER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THEME: Mobile Testing Cars for HIV and AIDS Detection CATEGORY: On the effect of information on human comportment and expected conduct Date of Issuance, 24th of November 2024, Updated Location of Issuance, On his temporary residence in Los Angeles, California, USA A message from The Founding Father of The United States of America Dr Jose Arreola, also The President of The United States of America under the US Neural Mind Net: The purpose of my email is to strongly suggest the starting of a Health Campaign to identify, combat, manage and mitigate the risk of transmitting viral contagious diseases such as HIV and its development AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, commonly showing on the skin as “Sarcoma de Kaposi”) that have no cure and have the potential of being spread to all age categories under neural net Societies and their sex culture. This under the context of the most recent developed sex habits of American Citizens in circumstances of local and foreign neural nets and their political and non-political representatives' influence. A practical approach to identifying, combating, managing and mitigating the risk of transmitting HIV and its development AIDS is by assigning around 2600 (two thousand six hundred) “Mobile Testing Cars for HIV and AIDS Detection” in all States of the Country. The epidemic of drugs our country is facing and the neglecting attitude of drug users to having sex carefully without using condom or other type of protection against viral diseases is a factor that is largely contributing to the steady and rapid spread of this non benign illnesses. Once diagnosis of HIV and and its development AIDS has been conducted, people found positive should be incorporated to the records and data base of “Internet Base Health Platform Application” proposed by Jose Arreola our 8th Founding Father of the United States of America that will potentially be developed by a renown university's School of Medicine, for instance and will serve the eradication and management of venereal diseases including HIV and its development AIDS, for safer intercourse sex relationships motivation, and for the healthy propagation of the human species for future generations. For a nation with Imagination under God. Jose Arreola Founding Father of The United States of America President of The United States of America under the neural net Member of Congress of The United States of America under the Neural Net, House of Representatives, State of California (Appointment since 6th of February, 2024) Member of Senate of The United States of America, State of North Carolina (Appointment in Office since 2nd of November, 2022) Doctor of Philosophy, Dr Freedom Honor,US Government, Official Medal of Honor, US Army Cross of Honor For Military Service Abroad, US Army Leader of the Movement of Neural Independence of the United States of America from Foreign Influence Leader of the Movement of National Restoration of The United States of America Official Dismantler of the neural mind net of the US and the World "The quest of our nation is to protect freedom and other rights and liberties that have led us to be what we are, a beacon of hope to the world in times of despair, of discord and of global predatory self-deserving, and to care for the common good when relative interest of supremacy claim go egocentric" Founding Father of the United States of America Dr Jose Arreola
AUTHOR: Dr JOSE ARREOLA THE FOUNDING FATHER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THEME: Internet Base Health Platform Application CATEGORY: On the effect of information on human comportment and expected conduct Date of Issuance, 24th of November 2024, Updated Location of Issuance, On his temporary residence in Los Angeles, California, USA A message from The Founding Father of The United States of America Dr Jose Arreola, also The President of The United States of America under the US Neural Mind Net: I am contacting you to convene you to participate in a project to set up in the USA an Internet Base Health Platform Application where all Americans would have a health profile indicating the type and number of venereal diseases, including AIDS they have, with the purpose of ensuring safer intercourse sex relationships, the gradual eradication and management of venereal diseases such as AIDS, undergoing lower costs for Federal and State Health Care Programs, and to ensure in the long term, for future generations, a healthy propagation of the human species. By login into the Internet Base Health Platform Application in your Cellphone, after having downloaded it, through granted or without requiring permission, a person finds out if someone has acquired a certain venereal disease such as AIDS or others, and the number of them. Then, a person decides after wining and dining whether to have or not have intercourse sex relationships with someone, having had access to the information provided by The Internet Base Health Platform Application, leading to better outcomes to overall Health. The Internet Base Health Platform Application would be financed by each person at download, and the setting up and management of it could be carried out by a private Enterprise. For a nation with Imagination under God. Jose Arreola Founding Father of The United States of America President of The United States of America under the neural net Member of Congress of The United States of America under the Neural Net, House of Representatives, State of California Doctor of Philosophy, Dr Freedom Honor, US Government, Official Medal of Honor, US Army Cross of Honor For Military Service Abroad, US Army Leader of the Movement of Neural Independence of the United States of America from Foreign Influence Leader of the Movement of National Restoration of The United States of America Official Dismantler of the neural mind net of the US and the World "The quest of our nation is to protect freedom and other rights and liberties that have led us to be what we are, a beacon of hope to the world in times of despair, of discord and of global predatory self-deserving, and to care for the common good when relative interest of supremacy claim go egocentric" Founding Father of the United States of America Dr Jose Arreola